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osintgpt是一个基于OpenAI GPT模型的Python包,用于文本分析和开源情报(OSINT)应用。它提供文本嵌入计算、相似文档搜索、交互式GPT对话等功能。该工具集成了SQLite数据库用于管理对话数据,并支持Qdrant向量存储以实现高效的向量相似度搜索。osintgpt适用于研究人员进行OSINT数据分析,但需注意使用过程中可能涉及的相关服务费用。


osintgpt is a Python package for leveraging OpenAI's GPT models to analyze text data and perform tasks such as calculating text embeddings, searching for similar documents, and more. It is designed for use in open-source intelligence (OSINT) applications and research.

osintgpt osint gpt

GitHub forks GitHub stars License Open Source Made-with-python Twitter estebanpdl


You can install the osintgpt package using pip:

pip install osintgpt

Given the recent changes and updates, it is highly recommended to upgrade to the latest version of the package by executing the following command

pip install -U osintgpt

This command will update your existing installation of osintgpt to the most recent version available, ensuring you have access to the latest features and improvements.

To access the package details and documentation on PyPI, please follow the link osintgpt on PyPI

🚀 Features

The osintgpt Python package is designed to streamline the process of analyzing text data by leveraging OpenAI's GPT models. Here are some of the key features:

  • Text Analysis: Utilize OpenAI's GPT models to analyze text data, including calculating text embeddings and searching for similar documents.

  • Interactive Mode: The package includes an interactive mode that allows users to communicate directly with the GPT model. The user can input a prompt and receive a response from the model, facilitating a more dynamic interaction.

  • Database Management: The package integrates with SQLite database, enabling easy storage and retrieval of conversation data. The SQLDatabaseManager class creates tables, handles data insertion, and manages transactions.

Please note that the development of osintgpt is still in progress, and some features may still be refined or expanded.

💾 Vector store


The Qdrant class is an interface to Qdrant, a high-performance vector similarity search engine. It provides a variety of methods for connecting and interacting with a Qdrant server, such as creating, updating, and deleting collections, and managing vector embeddings along with their associated payloads.

Main Features:

  • Connection Management: The class allows you to establish and manage connections to a Qdrant server. The server can be accessed remotely or locally.
  • Collection Management: You can create, update, and delete collections in Qdrant. Each collection can contain multiple vectors.
  • Vector and Payload Management: The class provides methods to add, update, and search for vector embeddings in collections. Each vector can optionally have an associated payload. The payload represents data associated with the vector, such as metadata or additional features.
  • High Efficiency: With the ability to efficiently store and search embeddings, Qdrant can support high-dimensional data and large-scale databases.

Setting Up Qdrant:

To use the Qdrant class, you will need access to a Qdrant server, either remotely or locally:


The osintgpt tool is provided for research purposes and intended to assist users in analyzing data from open-source intelligence (OSINT) tools more efficiently. It relies on third-party services, such as the OpenAI API, various database engines, and other resources that may have associated costs. By using this tool, you acknowledge that you are responsible for understanding and managing any costs related to these services. The creators and maintainers of osintgpt are not liable for any expenses incurred or any misuse of the tool. Please use this tool responsibly and in compliance with all applicable laws and regulations.

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