向量量化 - Pytorch
$ pip install vector-quantize-pytorch
import torch
from vector_quantize_pytorch import VectorQuantize
vq = VectorQuantize(
dim = 256,
codebook_size = 512, # 码本大小
decay = 0.8, # 指数移动平均衰减,值越低字典变化越快
commitment_weight = 1. # 承诺损失的权重
x = torch.randn(1, 1024, 256)
quantized, indices, commit_loss = vq(x) # (1, 1024, 256), (1, 1024), (1)
import torch
from vector_quantize_pytorch import ResidualVQ
residual_vq = ResidualVQ(
dim = 256,
num_quantizers = 8, # 指定量化器的数量
codebook_size = 1024, # 码本大小
x = torch.randn(1, 1024, 256)
quantized, indices, commit_loss = residual_vq(x)
print(quantized.shape, indices.shape, commit_loss.shape)
# (1, 1024, 256), (1, 1024, 8), (1, 8)
# 如果你需要所有量化层的代码,只要传递 return_all_codes = True
quantized, indices, commit_loss, all_codes = residual_vq(x, return_all_codes = True)
# (8, 1, 1024, 256)
import torch
from vector_quantize_pytorch import ResidualVQ
residual_vq = ResidualVQ(
dim = 256,
num_quantizers = 8,
codebook_size = 1024,
stochastic_sample_codes = True,
sample_codebook_temp = 0.1, # 随机采样代码的温度,0意味着非随机
shared_codebook = True # 是否共享所有量化器的码本
x = torch.randn(1, 1024, 256)
quantized, indices, commit_loss = residual_vq(x)
# (1, 1024, 256), (1, 1024, 8), (1, 8)
import torch
from vector_quantize_pytorch import GroupedResidualVQ
residual_vq = GroupedResidualVQ(
dim = 256,
num_quantizers = 8, # 指定量化器的数量
groups = 2,
codebook_size = 1024, # 码本大小
x = torch.randn(1, 1024, 256)
quantized, indices, commit_loss = residual_vq(x)
# (1, 1024, 256), (2, 1, 1024, 8), (2, 1, 8)
类中设置一个标志kmeans_init = True
import torch
from vector_quantize_pytorch import ResidualVQ
residual_vq = ResidualVQ(
dim = 256,
codebook_size = 256,
num_quantizers = 4,
kmeans_init = True, # 设置为True
kmeans_iters = 10 # 初始化时计算码本质心的kmeans迭代次数
x = torch.randn(1, 1024, 256)
quantized, indices, commit_loss = residual_vq(x)
# (1, 1024, 256), (1, 1024, 4), (1, 4)
import torch
from vector_quantize_pytorch import VectorQuantize
vq = VectorQuantize(
dim = 256,
codebook_size = 256,
codebook_dim = 16 # 论文建议设置为32或低至8以增加码本使用率
x = torch.randn(1, 1024, 256)
quantized, indices, commit_loss = vq(x)
# (1, 1024, 256), (1, 1024), (1,)
改进VQGAN论文还提出对代码和编码向量进行l2归一化,这相当于使用余弦相似度来计算距离。他们声称将向量强制在一个球上有助于增强码本使用率和下游重建。你可以通过设置use_cosine_sim = True
import torch
from vector_quantize_pytorch import VectorQuantize
vq = VectorQuantize(
dim = 256,
codebook_size = 256,
use_cosine_sim = True # 设置为True
x = torch.randn(1, 1024, 256)
quantized, indices, commit_loss = vq(x)
# (1, 1024, 256), (1, 1024), (1,)
import torch
from vector_quantize_pytorch import VectorQuantize
vq = VectorQuantize(
dim = 256,
codebook_size = 512,
threshold_ema_dead_code = 2 # 应该积极替换指数移动平均簇大小小于2的代码
x = torch.randn(1, 1024, 256)
quantized, indices, commit_loss = vq(x)
# (1, 1024, 256), (1, 1024), (1,)
import torch
from vector_quantize_pytorch import VectorQuantize
vq = VectorQuantize(
dim = 256,
codebook_size = 256,
accept_image_fmap = True, # 设置为True以能够传递图像特征图
orthogonal_reg_weight = 10, # 论文中建议值为10
orthogonal_reg_max_codes = 128, # 这将随机从码本中采样以用于正交正则化损失,以限制内存使用
orthogonal_reg_active_codes_only = False # 如果你有一个非常大的码本,并且只希望对每批激活的代码强制该损失,则设置为True
img_fmap = torch.randn(1, 256, 32, 32)
quantized, indices, loss = vq(img_fmap) # (1, 256, 32, 32), (1, 32, 32), (1,)
# 损失现在包含正交正则化损失及其分配的权重
import torch
from vector_quantize_pytorch import VectorQuantize
vq = VectorQuantize(
dim = 256,
codebook_dim = 32, # 许多论文显示较小的码本维度是可接受的
heads = 8, # 向量量化的头数量,共享码本
separate_codebook_per_head = True, # 是否为每个头设置单独的码本。False意味着共享一个码本
codebook_size = 8196,
accept_image_fmap = True
img_fmap = torch.randn(1, 256, 32, 32)
quantized, indices, loss = vq(img_fmap)
# (1, 256, 32, 32), (1, 32, 32, 8), (1,)
import torch
from vector_quantize_pytorch import RandomProjectionQuantizer
quantizer = RandomProjectionQuantizer(
dim = 512, # 输入维度
num_codebooks = 16, # 在USM中,他们使用了最多16个码本以获得5%的提升
codebook_dim = 256, # 码本维度
codebook_size = 1024 # 码本大小
x = torch.randn(1, 1024, 512)
indices = quantizer(x)
# (1, 1024, 16)
为 True | False
VQ | FSQ | |
量化 | argmin_c || z-c || | round(f(z)) |
梯度 | 直接估计法 (STE) | STE |
辅助损失 | 承诺、码本、熵损失等 | N/A |
技巧 | 码本的EMA,码本拆分,投影等 | N/A |
参数 | 码本 | N/A |
这项来自Google Deepmind的工作旨在极大地简化用于生成建模的矢量量化方法,消除承诺损失、码本的EMA更新,以及解决码本崩溃或利用率不足的问题。他们采用将每个标量舍入到离散级别的直接梯度法;代码变为超立方体中的均匀点。
import torch
from vector_quantize_pytorch import FSQ
quantizer = FSQ(
levels = [8, 5, 5, 5]
x = torch.randn(1, 1024, 4) # 4是因为有4个级别
xhat, indices = quantizer(x)
# (1, 1024, 4), (1, 1024)
assert torch.all(xhat == quantizer.indices_to_codes(indices))
一个改进的Residual FSQ,用于尝试改进音频编码。
import torch
from vector_quantize_pytorch import ResidualFSQ
residual_fsq = ResidualFSQ(
dim = 256,
levels = [8, 5, 5, 3],
num_quantizers = 8
x = torch.randn(1, 1024, 256)
quantized, indices = residual_fsq(x)
# (1, 1024, 256), (1, 1024, 8)
quantized_out = residual_fsq.get_output_from_indices(indices)
# (1, 1024, 256)
assert torch.all(quantized == quantized_out)
本文提出了使用独立二进制潜变量的简单LFQ量化器。其他实现的LFQ也存在。然而,团队表明,使用LFQ的MAGVIT-v2在ImageNet基准上显著提升。 LFQ和2级FSQ之间的差异包括熵正则化以及承诺损失的维持。
您可以按如下方式简单使用。在MagViT2 pytorch port上试用。
import torch
from vector_quantize_pytorch import LFQ
# 您可以指定dim或codebook_size
# 如果两者都指定,将相互验证
quantizer = LFQ(
codebook_size = 65536, # 码本大小,必须为2的幂
dim = 16, # 输入特征尺寸,默认为log2(码本大小)如果未定义
entropy_loss_weight = 0.1, # 熵损失的权重
diversity_gamma = 1. # 熵损失中代码多样性的权重,来源于https://arxiv.org/abs/1911.05894
image_feats = torch.randn(1, 16, 32, 32)
quantized, indices, entropy_aux_loss = quantizer(image_feats, inv_temperature=100.) # 您可能需要尝试温度
# (1, 16, 32, 32), (1, 32, 32), ()
assert (quantized == quantizer.indices_to_codes(indices)).all()
您还可以传入视频特征,格式为 (batch, feat, time, height, width)
或序列,格式为(batch, seq, feat)
import torch
from vector_quantize_pytorch import LFQ
quantizer = LFQ(
codebook_size = 65536,
dim = 16,
entropy_loss_weight = 0.1,
diversity_gamma = 1.
seq = torch.randn(1, 32, 16)
quantized, *_ = quantizer(seq)
assert seq.shape == quantized.shape
video_feats = torch.randn(1, 16, 10, 32, 32)
quantized, *_ = quantizer(video_feats)
assert video_feats.shape == quantized.shape
import torch
from vector_quantize_pytorch import LFQ
quantizer = LFQ(
codebook_size = 4096,
dim = 16,
num_codebooks = 4 # 4个码本,总码本维度为log2(4096) * 4
image_feats = torch.randn(1, 16, 32, 32)
quantized, indices, entropy_aux_loss = quantizer(image_feats)
# (1, 16, 32, 32), (1, 32, 32, 4), ()
assert image_feats.shape == quantized.shape
assert (quantized == quantizer.indices_to_codes(indices)).all()
一个改进的Residual LFQ,看看是否可以改进音频压缩。
import torch
from vector_quantize_pytorch import ResidualLFQ
residual_lfq = ResidualLFQ(
dim = 256,
codebook_size = 256,
num_quantizers = 8
x = torch.randn(1, 1024, 256)
quantized, indices, commit_loss = residual_lfq(x)
# (1, 1024, 256), (1, 1024, 8), (8)
quantized_out = residual_lfq.get_output_from_indices(indices)
# (1, 1024, 256)
assert torch.all(quantized == quantized_out)
import torch
from vector_quantize_pytorch import LatentQuantize
# 您可以指定dim或codebook_size
# 如果两者都指定,将相互验证
quantizer = LatentQuantize(
levels = [5, 5, 8], # 每个码本维度的级别数
dim = 16, # 输入维度
image_feats = torch.randn(1, 16, 32, 32)
quantized, indices, loss = quantizer(image_feats)
# (1, 16, 32, 32), (1, 32, 32), ()
assert image_feats.shape == quantized.shape
assert (quantized == quantizer.indices_to_codes(indices)).all()
您还可以传入视频特征,格式为 (batch, feat, time, height, width)
或序列,格式为(batch, seq, feat)
import torch
from vector_quantize_pytorch import LatentQuantize
quantizer = LatentQuantize(
levels = [5, 5, 8],
dim = 16,
seq = torch.randn(1, 32, 16)
quantized, *_ = quantizer(seq)
# (1, 32, 16)
video_feats = torch.randn(1, 16, 10, 32, 32)
quantized, *_ = quantizer(video_feats)
# (1, 16, 10, 32, 32)
import torch
from vector_quantize_pytorch import LatentQuantize
model = LatentQuantize(
levels = [4, 8, 16],
dim = 9,
num_codebooks = 3
input_tensor = torch.randn(2, 3, dim)
output_tensor, indices, loss = model(input_tensor)
# (2, 3, 9), (2, 3, 3), ()
assert output_tensor.shape == input_tensor.shape
assert indices.shape == (2, 3, num_codebooks)
assert loss.item() >= 0
title = {Neural Discrete Representation Learning},
author = {Aaron van den Oord and Oriol Vinyals and Koray Kavukcuoglu},
year = {2018},
eprint = {1711.00937},
archivePrefix = {arXiv},
primaryClass = {cs.LG}
title = {SoundStream: An End-to-End Neural Audio Codec},
author = {Neil Zeghidour and Alejandro Luebs and Ahmed Omran and Jan Skoglund and Marco Tagliasacchi},
year = {2021},
eprint = {2107.03312},
archivePrefix = {arXiv},
primaryClass = {cs.SD}
title = {Vector-quantized Image Modeling with Improved {VQGAN}},
author = {Anonymous},
booktitle = {Submitted to The Tenth International Conference on Learning Representations },
year = {2022},
url = {https://openreview.net/forum?id=pfNyExj7z2},
note = {under review}
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author={Lee, Doyup and Kim, Chiheon and Kim, Saehoon and Cho, Minsu and Han, Wook-Shin},
booktitle={Proceedings of the IEEE/CVF Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition},
title = {High Fidelity Neural Audio Compression},
author = {Alexandre D'efossez and Jade Copet and Gabriel Synnaeve and Yossi Adi},
journal = {ArXiv},
year = {2022},
volume = {abs/2210.13438}
title = {Self-supervised Learning with Random-projection Quantizer for Speech Recognition},
author = {Chung-Cheng Chiu and James Qin and Yu Zhang and Jiahui Yu and Yonghui Wu},
booktitle = {International Conference on Machine Learning},
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title = {Google USM: Scaling Automatic Speech Recognition Beyond 100 Languages},
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title = {NaturalSpeech 2: Latent Diffusion Models are Natural and Zero-Shot Speech and Singing Synthesizers},
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title = {Bridging Discrete and Backpropagation: Straight-Through and Beyond},
author = {Liyuan Liu and Chengyu Dong and Xiaodong Liu and Bin Yu and Jianfeng Gao},
journal = {ArXiv},
year = {2023},
volume = {abs/2304.08612}
title = {Straightening Out the Straight-Through Estimator: Overcoming Optimization Challenges in Vector Quantized Networks},
author = {Huh, Minyoung and Cheung, Brian and Agrawal, Pulkit and Isola, Phillip},
booktitle = {International Conference on Machine Learning},
year = {2023},
organization = {PMLR}
title = {Einops: Clear and Reliable Tensor Manipulations with Einstein-like Notation},
author = {Alex Rogozhnikov},
booktitle = {International Conference on Learning Representations},
year = {2022},
url = {https://openreview.net/forum?id=oapKSVM2bcj}
title = {Translation-equivariant Image Quantizer for Bi-directional Image-Text Generation},
author = {Woncheol Shin and Gyubok Lee and Jiyoung Lee and Joonseok Lee and Edward Choi},
year = {2021},
eprint = {2112.00384},
archivePrefix = {arXiv},
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title = {Finite Scalar Quantization: VQ-VAE Made Simple},
author = {Fabian Mentzer and David Minnen and Eirikur Agustsson and Michael Tschannen},
year = {2023},
eprint = {2309.15505},
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year = {2023},
eprint = {2310.05737},
archivePrefix = {arXiv},
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title = {Image and Video Tokenization with Binary Spherical Quantization},
author = {Yue Zhao and Yuanjun Xiong and Philipp Krahenbuhl},
year = {2024},
url = {https://api.semanticscholar.org/CorpusID:270380237}
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author = {Kyle Hsu and Will Dorrell and James C. R. Whittington and Jiajun Wu and Chelsea Finn},
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author = {Kazuki Irie and R'obert Csord'as and J{\"u}rgen Schmidhuber},
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url = {https://api.semanticscholar.org/CorpusID:256901024}