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Style Dictionary 的设计令牌处理工具集

style-dictionary-utils 是一个为 Style Dictionary 开发的工具集,用于处理 w3c 设计令牌。它包含解析器、过滤器、转换器和格式化器,支持颜色转换、尺寸单位转换和字体样式处理等功能。该工具兼容 ESM 和 CommonJS 模块系统,并能根据媒体查询和选择器生成高级 CSS 变量。它简化了设计系统开发流程,提高了开发效率。

Style dictionary utils

npm GitHub release (release name instead of tag name)

style-dictionary-utils is a collection of parsers, filters, transformers and formats for Style Dictionary that make working with w3c design tokens a lot easier.


Install the style-dictionary-utils as well as style-dictionary.

npm i -D style-dictionary-utils style-dictionary

If you are using .json5 files to define your design tokens install json5 as well.

npm i -D json5

How to use style dictionary version 3?

If you are not ready to upgrade to style dictinary version 3 you can continue using style-dictionary-utils by locking to v2 currently v2.4.1 version.

Getting started

The easiest way to use style-dictionary-utils is to import the prepared StyleDictionary object into your build file:

// build.ts
import StyleDictionary from 'style-dictionary-utils'

const myStyleDictionary = StyleDictionary.extend({
  "platforms": {
    "ts": {
      "transforms": ['color/hexAlpha', 'shadow/css'],
      "files": [{
        "filter": "isSource",
        "destination": "tokens.ts",
        "format": "javascript/esm",


Now all the included utilities* are available to you via the keys mentioned in the docs below.

* You only need to register the w3cTokenJson5Parser if you want to use json5.

Extending style dictionary

You can still extend style dictionary with your own transformers and formats like before. The only difference is that you must use the StyleDictionary object that you import from style-dictionary-utils.

// build.ts
import StyleDictionary from 'style-dictionary-utils'

  name: 'transform/pxToRem',
  type: `value`,
  transitive: true,
  transformer: () => // ...

Look at the tests to get an idea how it works.

Included utilities

📠 Parsers


This parser parses .json with w3c design tokens.

This means the following files can be used with this parser.

  "token": {
    "value": "#223344",
    "type": "color",
    "description": "token description"
  "w3cToken": {
    "$value": "#223344",
    "$type": "color",
    "$description": "token description"

The parser will keep most propertys as is and only change $value to value and $description or description to comment. This required for Style Dictionary.

To register the parsers add the following code to your build file.

import StyleDictionary from 'style-dictionary-utils'
import { w3cTokenJsonParser } from 'style-dictionary-utils/dist/parser/w3c-token-json-parser'


w3cTokenJson5Parser (not autoloaded)

If you are using .json5 or .jsonc files to define your design tokens you need to use the w3cTokenJson5Parser. This is NOT enabled by default as it requires an additonal package, json5, to work.

This parser is exactly the same as the w3cTokenJsonParser with the only difference that it can parse .json5 or .jsonc.

To register the parsers add the following code to your build file.

import StyleDictionary from 'style-dictionary-utils'
import { w3cTokenJson5Parser } from 'style-dictionary-utils/dist/parser/w3c-token-json5-parser'


Make sure to install json5 by running npm i -D json5.

If you’re using Prettier, be aware that the default configuration removes quote props, which are needed in $type and $value props in order to parse the tokens.

Here’s an example of a prettier config that overrides the default:

semi: false
singleQuote: true
  - files: '*.json[c|5]'
      quoteProps: preserve
      singleQuote: false

📑 Formats


The javascript/esm format exports a token dictionary as an es6 export statement.

export default {
  colors: {
    primary: '#0D70E6'
const myStyleDictionary = StyleDictionary.extend({
  "platforms": {
    "ts": {
      "transforms": //...,
      "files": [{
        // ...
        "format": "javascript/esm",


The javascript/commonJs format exports a token dictionary as an commonJs module.

exports.default = {
  colors: {
    primary: '#0D70E6'
const myStyleDictionary = StyleDictionary.extend({
  "platforms": {
    "js": {
      "transforms": //...,
      "files": [{
        // ...
        "format": "javascript/commonJs",


The css/advanced format exports a token dictionary as a css file with css variables. It allows you to define media queries that can wrap specific parts of your css variables. If nothing is defined the entire file will be wrapped in a :root selector.

You can change the selector by defining it in file.options.selector.

You can define rules on a file level using file.options.rules. If one or more rules are defined, only tokens within any of the rules will be output. You can define as many rule objects within file.options.rules as you want. Tokens can be part of one or multiple rules.

A rule object may have any or all of the three properties atRule, selector and matcher.

  • selector is a string that is wrapped around your css. If the selector is undefined, the default selector or one define at file.options.selector will be used. If you don't want a selector, set it to false.
  • atRule can be a string or array of strings, that are wrapped around the css and selector with the first being the outer layer.
  • matcher is a filter function that returns true for tokens that should be included in the query. If you want to match all tokens, just return true from the matcher.
body[theme="dark"] {
  --color-background-primary: #ff0000;
  --color-background-secondary: #0000ff;
@media (min-width: 768px) {
  body[theme="dark"] {
    --color-button-primary: #c1c1c1;
    --color-button-secondary: #007D79;
const myStyleDictionary = StyleDictionary.extend({
  "platforms": {
    "css": {
      "transforms": //...,
      "files": [{
        // ...
        "format": "css/advanced",
        "options": {
          selector: `body[theme="dark"]`, // defaults to :root; set to false to disable
          rules: [
            atRule: '@media (min-width: 768px)',
            selector: `body[size="medium"]` // this will be used instead of body[theme="dark"]`
            matcher: (token: StyleDictionary.TransformedToken) => token.filePath.includes('tablet'), // tokens that match this filter will be added inside the media query

🤖 Transformers

Transforms change the value or name of a token. You can use transforms by refering the name in the array value of the transforms property of a platform.

Transform group

If you want to use the same transformers multiple times you can create a transform group for easy reference.

  name: 'webHex',
  transforms: [

css/extended transform group

This packages ships a predefined transform group, called css/extended. It includes all transforms from the original css transform group as well as the following transforms: color/rgbAlpha, shadow/css, font/css, fontFamily/css, fontWeight/number, name/pathToDotNotation, cubicBezier/css, border/css.

You can use it like any other transform Group:

const myStyleDictionary = StyleDictionary.extend({
  "platforms": {
    "css": {
      "transformGroup": 'css/extended',
      "files": [{
        // ...


This name transformer replaces the token name with the entire path of the token in dot.notation. This is especially useful for flat .js or .json files.

To use it simply add name/pathToDotNotation to the transforms array.

const myStyleDictionary = StyleDictionary.extend({
  "platforms": {
    "ts": {
      "transforms": ['name/pathToDotNotation'],
      "files": [{
        // ...
Before transformation
  colors: {
    red: {
      100: {
        // ...
After transformation
  "": {
    // ...


This name transformer replaces the token name with the entire path of the token in camelCase notation.

To use it simply add name/pathToCamelCase to the transforms array.

const myStyleDictionary = StyleDictionary.extend({
  "platforms": {
    "ts": {
      "transforms": ['name/pathToCamelCase'],
      "files": [{
        // ...
Before transformation
  colors: {
    bg: {
      default: {
        // ...
After transformation
  "colorsBgDefault": {
    // ...


This value transformer replaces the value of a token with a $type or type of color with an rgba string. If the token has an alpha value, it will be used as the alpha of the rgba string.

Note: If your initial color value has an alpha value (e.g. hex8) AND you add an alpha property, the alpha property will simply replace the previous alpha value.

const myStyleDictionary = StyleDictionary.extend({
  "platforms": {
    "ts": {
      "transforms": ['color/rgbAlpha'],
      "files": [{
        // ...
Before transformation
  colors: {
    blue: {
      500: {
        value: "#0D70E6",
        $type: "color",
        alpha: 0.4
After transformation
  colors: {
    blue: {
      500: {
        value: "rgba(13, 112, 230, 0.4)",
        $type: "color",
        alpha: 0.4


This value transformer replaces the value of a token with a $type or type of color with a hex string. If the token has an alpha value, it will be used as the alpha of the hex8 string.

Note: If your initial color value has an alpha value (e.g. rgba) AND you add an alpha property, the alpha property will simply replace the previous alpha value.

const myStyleDictionary = StyleDictionary.extend({
  "platforms": {
    "ts": {
      "transforms": ['color/hexAlpha'],
      "files": [{
        // ...
Before transformation
  colors: {
    blue: {
      500: {
        value: "rgba(13, 112, 230, 0.4)",
        $type: "color",
        alpha: 0.2
After transformation
  colors: {
    blue: {
      500: {
        value: "#0D70E633", // prev alpha value is replaced with 0.2 from alpha property
        $type: "color",
        alpha: 0.2


This value transformer replaces the value of a token with a $type or type of color with a hex string.

const myStyleDictionary = StyleDictionary.extend({
  "platforms": {
    "ts": {
      "transforms": ['color/hex'],
      "files": [{
        // ...
Before transformation
  colors: {
    blue: {
      500: {
        value: "rgba(13, 112, 230, 0.4)",
        $type: "color"
After transformation
  colors: {
    blue: {
      500: {
        value: "#0D70E666",
        $type: "color"


This value transformer replaces the value of a token with a $type or type of color with an rgba string.

const myStyleDictionary = StyleDictionary.extend({
  "platforms": {
    "ts": {
      "transforms": ['color/rgba'],
      "files": [{
        // ...
Before transformation
  colors: {
    blue: {
      500: {
        value: "#0D70E666",
        $type: "color"
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