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Processing几何算法库 丰富2D图形创作

Processing Geometry Suite是一个2D几何算法开源库,提供丰富的几何操作功能。它支持布尔运算、几何变换、轮廓生成和形态学处理等,便于实现复杂的几何操作和可视化效果。该库采用静态方法和Processing原生数据类型,注重直观的可视化表现,适合各种创意编程和数据可视化项目使用。

Lines of Code

Processing Geometry Suite

Processing Geometry Suite is a software project that provides easy access to 2D geometric algorithms in the form of a Processing library. Over time it has grown to include an incredibly comprehensive range of algorithms.

The focus of the library is on visualisation rather than providing underlying data structures. To this end all methods in the library are static and most of them take in and return PShapes or PVectors.

Docs are hosted via GitHub Pages here.


Library functionality is split over the following classes:

  • PGS_CirclePacking
    • Circle packings of shapes, subject to varying constraints and patterns of tangencies
  • PGS_Coloring
    • Minimal colorings of meshes (or mesh-like shapes)
  • PGS_Construction
    • Construct uncommon/interesting 2D primitives
  • PGS_Contour
    • Methods that produce various contours from shapes: medial axes, straight skeletons, offset curves, etc.
  • PGS_Conversion
    • Conversion between Processing PShapes and JTS Geometries (amongst other formats)
  • PGS_Hull
    • Convex and concave hulls of polygons and point sets
  • PGS_Meshing
    • Mesh generation (excluding triangulation) and processing
  • PGS_Morphology
    • Methods that affect the geometry or topology of shapes (buffering, simplification, smoothing, etc.)
  • PGS_Optimisation
    • Solve geometric optimisation problems, such as finding the maximum inscribed circle, or the closest vertex to a coordinate
  • PGS_PointSet
    • Generates sets of 2D points having a variety of different distributions and constraints
  • PGS_Processing
    • Methods that process a shape in some way: compute hulls, partition, slice, etc.
  • PGS_SegmentSet
    • Generates sets of random non-intersecting line segments
  • PGS_ShapeBoolean
    • Boolean set-operations for 2D shapes
  • PGS_ShapePredicates
    • Various shape metrics (area, circularity, etc.) and predicates ("do these shapes intersect?")
  • PGS_Tiling
    • Tiling, tessellation and subdivision of the plane using periodic or non-periodic geometric shapes.
  • PGS_Transformation
    • Various geometric and affine transformations that affect vertex coordinates
  • PGS_Triangulation
    • Delaunay triangulation (constrained and refined) and earcut triangulation of shapes and point sets
  • PGS_Voronoi
    • Voronoi Diagrams of shapes and point sets


Processing IDE — Quick

Download the latest PGS.jar from releases and simply drag-and-drop it onto the Processing IDE.

Processing IDE — Permanently

Download the latest PGS.jar from releases and save it to Documents\Processing\libraries\PGS\library.

Result: Documents\Processing\libraries\PGS\library\PGS.jar.

(Note the .jar and the folder must be called PGS — rename the .jar if this is not the case).


PGS is hosted as an artifact for use in Maven or Gradle projects via Jitpack — follow the instructions there (very easy).


A number of example Processing sketches are provided in examples.


Much of the functionality (but by no means all) is demonstrated below:

2D Boolean Operations

UnionIntersectionSubtractionSymmetric Difference
ComplementMesh UnionMesh IntersectionMesh Subtraction


Rotate AroundTranslate ToTouch Scale
Rotate a shape around its centroid or an arbitrary point.Translate a shape such that its centroid matches some position.Scale one shape such that it touches another.
ResizeHomothetic TransformationShearAlign
Projection-transform a shape with respect to a fixed point.Maximum-overlap alignment.

Geometric Predicates & Metrics

IntersectsContains ShapeContains PointContaining Cell

Do shapes intersect with each other?

Does one shape fully contain another?

For individual points and point sets.

Which cell contains the query point?


  • Length/perimeter
  • Width & Height
  • Diameter
  • Circularity
  • Similarity
  • Sphericity
  • Elongation
  • Density
  • Holes
  • Maximum interior angle
  • Is simple?
  • Is convex?
  • Equal? (structural and topological equivalence)
  • Distance
  • Area
  • Centroid
  • Median


IsolinesOffset Curves
Isolines from intra-shape euclidean distance, or point sets.Inner and exterior offset curves; based on miter, bevel or round offset styles.
Straight SkeletonMedial AxisChordal Axis
Medial axis transform with feature pruning via distance, area or axial angle. Chordal Axis Transform
Distance FieldCenter Line
A contour map based on a distance field of a shape


BufferErosion-DilationMinkowski Addition
A negative followed by a positive buffer (in a single operation).Minkowski sum and difference (a.k.a buffer one shape using another shape; the examples add a rotating & growing triangle).
SmoothingGaussian SmoothingRounding
Radial WarpSine WarpField Warp
SimplificationChaikin CuttingInterpolation
Variable BufferPrecision ReductionHobby Curve SimplificationElliptic Fourier Smoothing


Concave Hull
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