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Nextcloud Contacts是一款开源的联系人管理应用,支持多设备同步和在线编辑功能。该应用与Nextcloud的邮件和日历应用集成,提供生日提醒和地址簿共享等特性。基于SabreDAV库开发,Contacts支持vCard 3.0和4.0格式,适用于大多数现代浏览器。用户可通过Nextcloud应用商店安装使用,实现高效的联系人管理。

Nextcloud Contacts

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A contacts app for Nextcloud. Easily sync contacts from various devices with your Nextcloud and edit them online.

This app only support vCard 3.0 and 4.0. This app is compatible with the same browsers as server except IE!

:blue_heart: :tada: Why is this so awesome?

  • :rocket: Integration with other Nextcloud apps! Currently Mail and Calendar – more to come.
  • :tada: Never forget a birthday! You can sync birthdays and other recurring events with your Nextcloud Calendar.
  • :busts_in_silhouette: Sharing of address books! You want to share your contacts with your friends or coworkers? No problem!
  • :see_no_evil: We’re not reinventing the wheel! Based on the great and open SabreDAV library.


:hammer_and_wrench: Installation

The app is distributed through the app store and you can install it right from your Nextcloud installation.

Release tarballs are hosted at

:satellite: Support

If you need assistance or want to ask a question about Contacts, you are welcome to ask for support in our forums. If you have found a bug, feel free to open a new Issue on GitHub. Keep in mind, that this repository only manages the frontend. If you find bugs or have problems with the CardDAV-Backend, you should ask the team at Nextcloud server for help!

Could you add XXX property?

This is a complicated answer. We did not invent the way contacts works. We are following the official vCard format. This format include a predefined set of properties that other applications/devices supports too (Android, iOS, Windows, Gnome...). Adding a custom property would just make it compatible with Nextcloud and will not be understood by any other clients and make it complicated for us to ensure its sustainability over time. Long story short, we suggest you use the Notes field to add your custom data :)

If you'd like to join, just go through the issue list and fix some. :)

Build the app

# set up and build for production
composer install
npm ci
npm run build

# install dependencies
composer install
npm ci

# build for dev and watch changes
npm run watch

# build for dev
npm run dev

# build for production with minification
npm run build

Running tests

You can run all front-end tests by using:

# run tests once
npm run test

# run tests continuously after every change
npm run test:watch

:v: Code of conduct

The Nextcloud community has core values that are shared between all members during conferences, hackweeks and on all interactions in online platforms including Github and Forums. If you contribute, participate or interact with this community, please respect our shared values. :relieved:

:heart: How to create a pull request

This guide will help you get started:

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问小白是一个基于 DeepSeek R1 模型的智能对话平台,专为用户提供高效、贴心的对话体验。实时在线,支持深度思考和联网搜索。免费不限次数,帮用户写作、创作、分析和规划,各种任务随时完成!

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