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Marquez是一个开源元数据服务项目,专注于数据生态系统的元数据处理。该项目提供数据集消费和生产的溯源、作业运行时间和数据集访问频率的可视化,以及数据集生命周期的集中管理。作为LF AI & Data Foundation的毕业项目,Marquez集成了OpenLineage,简化了数据集、作业和运行元数据的收集与查看过程,有助于探索数据依赖关系并优化元数据管理。

Marquez is an open source metadata service for the collection, aggregation, and visualization of a data ecosystem's metadata. It maintains the provenance of how datasets are consumed and produced, provides global visibility into job runtime and frequency of dataset access, centralization of dataset lifecycle management, and much more. Marquez was released and open sourced by WeWork.


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Marquez is an LF AI & Data Foundation Graduated project under active development, and we'd love your help!


Want to be added? Send a pull request our way!

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Marquez provides a simple way to collect and view dataset, job, and run metadata using OpenLineage. The easiest way to get up and running is with Docker. From the base of the Marquez repository, run:

MacOS and Linux users:

$ ./docker/

Windows users:

Before cloning Marquez, configure Git to check out files with Unix-style file endings:

$ git config --global core.autocrlf false

Verify that Bash and PostgreSQL have been installed and added to the PATH variable (Git Bash is recommended).

Start all services:

$ sh ./docker/

Tip: Use the --build flag to build images from source, and/or --seed to start Marquez with sample lineage metadata. For a more complete example using the sample metadata, please follow our quickstart guide.

Note: Port 5000 is now reserved for MacOS. If running locally on MacOS, you can run ./docker/ --api-port 9000 to configure the API to listen on port 9000 instead. Keep in mind that you will need to update the URLs below with the appropriate port number.


You can open http://localhost:3000 to begin exploring the Marquez Web UI. The UI enables you to discover dependencies between jobs and the datasets they produce and consume via the lineage graph, view run metadata of current and previous job runs, and much more!


The Marquez HTTP API listens on port 5000 for all calls and port 5001 for the admin interface. The admin interface exposes helpful endpoints like /healthcheck and /metrics. To verify the HTTP API server is running and listening on localhost, browse to http://localhost:5001. To begin collecting lineage metadata as OpenLineage events, use the LineageAPI or an OpenLineage integration.

Note: By default, the HTTP API does not require any form of authentication or authorization.


To explore metadata via graphql, browse to http://localhost:5000/graphql-playground. The graphql endpoint is currently in beta and is located at http://localhost:5000/api/v1-beta/graphql.


We invite everyone to help us improve and keep documentation up to date. Documentation is maintained in this repository and can be found under docs/.

Note: To begin collecting metadata with Marquez, follow our quickstart guide. Below you will find the steps to get up and running from source.

Versions and OpenLineage Compatibility

Versions of Marquez are compatible with OpenLineage unless noted otherwise. We ensure backward compatibility with a newer version of Marquez by recording events with an older OpenLineage specification version. We strongly recommend understanding how the OpenLineage specification is versioned and published.


Note: The openlineage-python and openlineage-java libraries will a higher version than the OpenLineage specification as they have different version requirements.

We currently maintain three categories of compatibility: CURRENT, RECOMMENDED, and MAINTENANCE. When a new version of Marquez is released, it's marked as RECOMMENDED, while the previous version enters MAINTENANCE mode (which gets bug fixes whenever possible). The unreleased version of Marquez is marked CURRENT and does not come with any guarantees, but is assumed to remain compatible with OpenLineage, although surprises happen and there maybe rare exceptions.


Marquez uses a multi-project structure and contains the following modules:

  • api: core API used to collect metadata
  • web: web UI used to view metadata
  • clients: clients that implement the HTTP API
  • chart: helm chart

Note: The integrations module was removed in 0.21.0, so please use an OpenLineage integration to collect lineage events easily.


Note: To connect to your running PostgreSQL instance, you will need the standard psql tool.


To build the entire project run:

./gradlew build

The executable can be found under api/build/libs/


To run Marquez, you will have to define marquez.yml. The configuration file is passed to the application and used to specify your database connection. The configuration file creation steps are outlined below.

Step 1: Create Database

When creating your database using createdb, we recommend calling it marquez:

$ createdb marquez

Step 2: Create marquez.yml

With your database created, you can now copy marquez.example.yml:

$ cp marquez.example.yml marquez.yml

You will then need to set the following environment variables (we recommend adding them to your .bashrc): POSTGRES_DB, POSTGRES_USER, and POSTGRES_PASSWORD. The environment variables override the equivalent option in the configuration file.

By default, Marquez uses the following ports:

  • TCP port 8080 is available for the HTTP API server.
  • TCP port 8081 is available for the admin interface.

Note: All of the configuration settings in marquez.yml can be specified either in the configuration file or in an environment variable.

Running the HTTP API Server

$ ./gradlew :api:runShadow

Marquez listens on port 8080 for all API calls and port 8081 for the admin interface. To verify the HTTP API server is running and listening on localhost, browse to http://localhost:8081. We encourage you to familiarize yourself with the data model and APIs of Marquez. To run the web UI, please follow the steps outlined here.

Note: By default, the HTTP API does not require any form of authentication or authorization.

Related Projects

  • OpenLineage: an open standard for metadata and lineage collection

Getting Involved


See for more details about how to contribute.

Reporting a Vulnerability

If you discover a vulnerability in the project, please open an issue and attach the "security" label.

SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 Copyright 2018-2024 contributors to the Marquez project.

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