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基于Java的低代码后端框架 支持REST GraphQL和WebSocket API

RESTHeart是一个Java后端解决方案,提供REST、GraphQL和WebSocket API功能。它包含低代码开发框架、内置安全机制和MongoDB集成。开发者可快速启动后端、自定义API并确保安全合规。RESTHeart采用Java 21虚拟线程和Undertow web服务器,支持多种数据库,适合构建高性能可扩展的后端系统。

RESTHeart - Ready to use backend for the modern Web.

Comprehensive Java backend solution offering a low-code API development framework on top of MongoDB.

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RESTHeart is a modern Java backend solution enabling REST, GraphQL, and WebSocket APIs. It features a low-code development framework, ready-to-use security, and seamless MongoDB API integration.

Key Features of RESTHeart

Low-Code Backend Foundation: RESTHeart serves as a robust foundation for creating low-code backends, offering flexibility and power for on-premises deployment.

Instant Backend Launch: Developers can swiftly connect RESTHeart to a MongoDB database, enabling the rapid launch of a fully functional backend without extensive coding.

Seamless Integration: It integrates seamlessly with MongoDB, providing a hassle-free connection for data handling and management.

Customizable APIs: RESTHeart empowers developers to create and customize APIs quickly, enabling efficient communication between applications and the backend.

Security and Compliance: Built-in security features ensure robust protection for data and endpoints, meeting compliance standards for sensitive information handling.

Scalability and Performance: Designed for scalability, RESTHeart maintains high performance even with increased data loads, ensuring smooth operations as applications grow.

On-Premises Control: Offers the advantages of on-premises deployment, granting developers full control over the backend infrastructure while maintaining the ease of a low-code approach.

Concurrency: Powered by the new Java 21 Virtual Threads lightweight concurrency model.

Built on Undertow: RESTHeart is built on top of the Undertow web server.

Undertow is a high-performance web server written in Java, known for its flexibility and efficiency. It provides both blocking and non-blocking APIs based on NIO (Non-blocking I/O), making it suitable for a wide range of use cases from lightweight HTTP handlers to full-fledged servlet containers. Notably, Undertow is the default web server for the WildFly application server and replaces JBoss Web in JBoss EAP 7.

Supported Databases

(*) Some of these databases might have partial compatibility with MongoDB APIs.


The full documentation is available on

To explore the APIs, start with:

Quick Start with Docker Compose

  1. Run both RESTHeart and MongoDB with Docker Compose using the following one-liner:
curl \
  --output docker-compose.yml \
  && docker compose up --pull=always --attach restheart
  1. Open another terminal and call RESTHeart's ping service with curl or any other tool you like, to verify it's running:
curl -i localhost:8080/ping

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Connection: keep-alive
Access-Control-Allow-Origin: *
Access-Control-Allow-Credentials: true
Access-Control-Expose-Headers: Location, ETag, Auth-Token, Auth-Token-Valid-Until, Auth-Token-Location, X-Powered-By
Content-Type: text/plain
Content-Length: 25
Date: Wed, 07 Aug 2024 10:48:23 GMT

Greetings from RESTHeart!

Running Without Docker

  1. Download a pre-built binary of RESTHeart and all plugins from the Releases page.
  2. Uncompress the restheart.tar.gz or archive to create a restheart folder:
├── LICENSE.txt
├── plugins
│   ├── restheart-graphql.jar
│   ├── restheart-metrics.jar
│   ├── restheart-mongoclient-provider.jar
│   ├── restheart-mongodb.jar
│   ├── restheart-polyglot.jar
│   └── restheart-security.jar
└── restheart.jar
  1. Start MongoDB on localhost:27017 and then run RESTHeart with its default configuration:
java -jar restheart.jar
  1. To connect to a MongoDB server running in a remote host, you can quickly modify the configuration with the RHO env var.

Software Development Framework

RESTHeart offers an SDK for developing custom plugins. A plugin in RESTHeart enhances the API by adding new features and capabilities. RESTHeart supports creating plugins in Java, Kotlin, any language supported by the JVM, JavaScript, or any language supported by GraalVM.

Types of plugins in RESTHeart:

  1. Service: Adds new web services to the API.
  2. Interceptor: Monitors and modifies requests and responses at various stages of the request lifecycle.
  3. Initializer: Runs initialization logic during system startup.
  4. Provider: Supplies objects to other plugins using the @Inject annotation.

Additionally, security plugins can be developed to customize the security layer.

Building from Source

Build the thin JAR:

./mvnw clean package

Check the build version:

java -jar core/target/restheart-core.jar -v
RESTHeart Version 8.0.7-SNAPSHOT Build-Time 2024-07-17

To build a fat JAR, add the shade Maven profile:

./mvnw clean package -Pshade

Running Integration Tests

To execute the integration test suite:

./mvnw clean verify

The verify goal starts the RESTHeart process and a MongoDB Docker container before running the integration tests.

To avoid starting the MongoDB Docker container, specify the system property -P-mongodb.

The integration tests use the MongoDB connection string mongodb:// by default. To use a different connection string, specify the property test-connection-string.

Example of running the integration test suite against an instance of FerretDB on localhost:

# Run FerretDB
docker run -d --rm --name ferretdb -p 27017:27017
# Execute the integration tests
./mvnw clean verify -DskipUTs -P-mongodb -Dtest-connection-string="mongodb://username:password@localhost/ferretdb?authMechanism=PLAIN" -Dkarate.options="--tags ~@requires-replica-set"

This example skips tests tagged with requires-replica-set (FerretDB does not support change stream and transactions) and uses -DskipUTs to skip the execution of unit tests.

Automatic Snapshot Builds

Snapshot builds are available from

Docker images of snapshots are also available:

docker pull softinstigate/restheart-snapshot:[commit-short-hash]

To find the commit short hash, use:

git log

The short hash is the first 7 digits of the commit hash. For example, for commit 2108ce033da8a8c0b65afea0b5b478337e44e464, the short hash is 2108ce0 and the Docker pull command is:

docker pull softinstigate/restheart-snapshot:2108ce0

Community Support


Become a Sponsor

You can support the development of RESTHeart via the GitHub Sponsor program and receive public acknowledgment of your help.

See available sponsor tiers.

Made with :heart: by SoftInstigate. Follow us on Twitter.

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