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高性能Python ASGI框架,专注API开发

Litestar是一款功能丰富的ASGI框架,专为API开发而设计。它提供高性能数据处理、依赖注入、ORM集成和授权机制等核心功能。框架支持类控制器、插件系统、OpenAPI 3.1生成、中间件和路由守卫,并与SQLAlchemy等ORM无缝集成。Litestar使用msgspec实现快速验证和序列化,是构建高效Python Web应用的理想选择。

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Litestar is a powerful, flexible yet opinionated ASGI framework, focused on building APIs, and offers high-performance data validation and parsing, dependency injection, first-class ORM integration, authorization primitives, and much more that's needed to get applications up and running.

Check out the documentation 📚 for a detailed overview of its features!

Additionally, the Litestar fullstack repository can give you a good impression how a fully fledged Litestar application may look.

Table of Contents


pip install litestar

Quick Start

from litestar import Litestar, get

def hello_world() -> dict[str, str]:
    """Keeping the tradition alive with hello world."""
    return {"hello": "world"}

app = Litestar(route_handlers=[hello_world])

Core Features

Example Applications

Pre-built Example Apps
  • litestar-pg-redis-docker: In addition to Litestar, this demonstrates a pattern of application modularity, SQLAlchemy 2.0 ORM, Redis cache connectivity, and more. Like all Litestar projects, this application is open to contributions, big and small.
  • litestar-fullstack: A reference application that contains most of the boilerplate required for a web application. It features a Litestar app configured with best practices, SQLAlchemy 2.0 and SAQ, a frontend integrated with Vitejs and Jinja2 templates, Docker, and more.
  • litestar-hello-world: A bare-minimum application setup. Great for testing and POC work.


Litestar is an open-source project, and we enjoy the support of our sponsors to help fund the exciting work we do.

A huge thanks to our sponsors: Telemetry Sports Stok

Check out our sponsors in the docs

If you would like to support the work that we do please consider becoming a sponsor via (preferred), GitHub or Open Collective.

Also, exclusively with Polar, you can engage in pledge-based sponsorships.


Class-based Controllers

While supporting function-based route handlers, Litestar also supports and promotes python OOP using class based controllers:

Example for class-based controllers
from typing import List, Optional
from datetime import datetime

from litestar import Controller, get, post, put, patch, delete
from litestar.dto import DTOData
from pydantic import UUID4

from my_app.models import User, PartialUserDTO

class UserController(Controller):
    path = "/users"

    async def create_user(self, data: User) -> User: ...

    async def list_users(self) -> List[User]: ...

    async def list_new_users(self, date: datetime) -> List[User]: ...

    @patch(path="/{user_id:uuid}", dto=PartialUserDTO)
    async def partial_update_user(
        self, user_id: UUID4, data: DTOData[PartialUserDTO]
    ) -> User: ...

    async def update_user(self, user_id: UUID4, data: User) -> User: ...

    async def get_user_by_name(self, user_name: str) -> Optional[User]: ...

    async def get_user(self, user_id: UUID4) -> User: ...

    async def delete_user(self, user_id: UUID4) -> None: ...

Data Parsing, Type Hints, and Msgspec

Litestar is rigorously typed, and it enforces typing. For example, if you forget to type a return value for a route handler, an exception will be raised. The reason for this is that Litestar uses typing data to generate OpenAPI specs, as well as to validate and parse data. Thus, typing is essential to the framework.

Furthermore, Litestar allows extending its support using plugins.

Plugin System, ORM support, and DTOs

Litestar has a plugin system that allows the user to extend serialization/deserialization, OpenAPI generation, and other features.

It ships with a builtin plugin for SQL Alchemy, which allows the user to use SQLAlchemy declarative classes "natively" i.e., as type parameters that will be serialized/deserialized and to return them as values from route handlers.

Litestar also supports the programmatic creation of DTOs with a DTOFactory class, which also supports the use of plugins.


Litestar has custom logic to generate OpenAPI 3.1.0 schema, include optional generation of examples using the polyfactory library.

ReDoc, Swagger-UI and Stoplight Elements API Documentation

Litestar serves the documentation from the generated OpenAPI schema with:

All these are available and enabled by default.

Dependency Injection

Litestar has a simple but powerful DI system inspired by pytest. You can define named dependencies - sync or async - at different levels of the application, and then selective use or overwrite them.

Example for DI
from litestar import Litestar, get
from litestar.di import Provide

async def my_dependency() -> str: ...

async def index(injected: str) -> str:
    return injected

app = Litestar([index], dependencies={"injected": Provide(my_dependency)})


Litestar supports typical ASGI middleware and ships with middlewares to handle things such as

  • CORS
  • CSRF
  • Rate limiting
  • GZip and Brotli compression
  • Client- and server-side sessions

Route Guards

Litestar has an authorization mechanism called guards, which allows the user to define guard functions at different level of the application (app, router, controller etc.) and validate the request before hitting the route handler function.

Example for route guards
from litestar import Litestar, get

from litestar.connection import ASGIConnection
from litestar.handlers.base import BaseRouteHandler
from litestar.exceptions import NotAuthorizedException

async def is_authorized(connection: ASGIConnection, handler: BaseRouteHandler) -> None:
    # validate authorization
    # if not authorized, raise NotAuthorizedException
    raise NotAuthorizedException()

@get("/", guards=[is_authorized])
async def index() -> None: ...

app = Litestar([index])

Request Life Cycle

Project Cover


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