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A Python port of the Rust autometrics-rs library

Metrics are a powerful and cost-efficient tool for understanding the health and performance of your code in production. But it's hard to decide what metrics to track and even harder to write queries to understand the data.

Autometrics provides a decorator that makes it trivial to instrument any function with the most useful metrics: request rate, error rate, and latency. It standardizes these metrics and then generates powerful Prometheus queries based on your function details to help you quickly identify and debug issues in production.

See Why Autometrics? for more details on the ideas behind autometrics.


  • @autometrics decorator instruments any function or class method to track the most useful metrics
  • 💡 Writes Prometheus queries so you can understand the data generated without knowing PromQL
  • 🔗 Create links to live Prometheus charts directly into each function's docstring
  • 🔍 Identify commits that introduced errors or increased latency
  • 🚨 Define alerts using SLO best practices directly in your source code
  • 📊 Grafana dashboards work out of the box to visualize the performance of instrumented functions & SLOs
  • ⚙️ Configurable metric collection library (opentelemetry or prometheus)
  • 📍 Attach exemplars to connect metrics with traces
  • ⚡ Minimal runtime overhead


  1. Add autometrics to your project's dependencies:
pip install autometrics
  1. Instrument your functions with the @autometrics decorator
from autometrics import autometrics

def my_function():
  # ...
  1. Configure autometrics by calling the init function:
from autometrics import init

init(tracker="prometheus", service_name="my-service")
  1. Export the metrics for Prometheus
# This example uses FastAPI, but you can use any web framework
from fastapi import FastAPI, Response
from prometheus_client import generate_latest

# Set up a metrics endpoint for Prometheus to scrape
#   `generate_latest` returns metrics data in the Prometheus text format
def metrics():
    return Response(generate_latest())
  1. Run Prometheus locally with the Autometrics CLI or configure it manually to scrape your metrics endpoint
# Replace `8080` with the port that your app runs on
am start :8080
  1. (Optional) If you have Grafana, import the Autometrics dashboards for an overview and detailed view of all the function metrics you've collected

Using autometrics-py

  • You can import the library in your code and use the decorator for any function:
from autometrics import autometrics

def sayHello:
  return "hello"

  • To show tooltips over decorated functions in VSCode, with links to Prometheus queries, try installing the VSCode extension.

    Note: We cannot support tooltips without a VSCode extension due to behavior of the static analyzer used in VSCode.

  • You can also track the number of concurrent calls to a function by using the track_concurrency argument: @autometrics(track_concurrency=True).

    Note: Concurrency tracking is only supported when you set with the environment variable AUTOMETRICS_TRACKER=prometheus.

  • To access the PromQL queries for your decorated functions, run help(yourfunction) or print(yourfunction.__doc__).

    For these queries to work, include a .env file in your project with your prometheus endpoint PROMETHEUS_URL=your endpoint. If this is not defined, the default endpoint will be http://localhost:9090/


Autometrics provides Grafana dashboards that will work for any project instrumented with the library.

Alerts / SLOs

Autometrics makes it easy to add intelligent alerting to your code, in order to catch increases in the error rate or latency across multiple functions.

from autometrics import autometrics
from autometrics.objectives import Objective, ObjectiveLatency, ObjectivePercentile

# Create an objective for a high success rate
# Here, we want our API to have a success rate of 99.9%
    "My API SLO for High Success Rate (99.9%)",

def api_handler():
  # ...

The library uses the concept of Service-Level Objectives (SLOs) to define the acceptable error rate and latency for groups of functions. Alerts will fire depending on the SLOs you set.

Not sure what SLOs are? Check out our docs for an introduction.

In order to receive alerts, you need to add a special set of rules to your Prometheus setup. These are configured automatically when you use the Autometrics CLI to run Prometheus.

Already running Prometheus yourself? Read about how to load the autometrics alerting rules into Prometheus here.

Once the alerting rules are in Prometheus, you're ready to go.

To use autometrics SLOs and alerts, create one or multiple Objectives based on the function(s) success rate and/or latency, as shown above.

The Objective can be passed as an argument to the autometrics decorator, which will include the given function in that objective.

The example above used a success rate objective. (I.e., we wanted to be alerted when the error rate started to increase.)

You can also create an objective for the latency of your functions like so:

from autometrics import autometrics
from autometrics.objectives import Objective, ObjectiveLatency, ObjectivePercentile

# Create an objective for low latency
#   - Functions with this objective should have a 99th percentile latency of less than 250ms
    "My API SLO for Low Latency (99th percentile < 250ms)",
    latency=(ObjectiveLatency.Ms250, ObjectivePercentile.P99),

def api_handler():
  # ...

The caller Label

Autometrics keeps track of instrumented functions that call each other. So, if you have a function get_users that calls another function db.query, then the metrics for latter will include a label caller="get_users".

This allows you to drill down into the metrics for functions that are called by your instrumented functions, provided both of those functions are decorated with @autometrics.

In the example above, this means that you could investigate the latency of the database queries that get_users makes, which is rather useful.

Settings and Configuration

Autometrics makes use of a number of environment variables to configure its behavior. All of them are also configurable with keyword arguments to the init function.

  • tracker - Configure the package that autometrics will use to produce metrics. Default is opentelemetry, but you can also use prometheus. Look in pyproject.toml for the corresponding versions of packages that will be used.
  • histogram_buckets - Configure the buckets used for latency histograms. Default is [0.005, 0.01, 0.025, 0.05, 0.075, 0.1, 0.25, 0.5, 0.75, 1.0, 2.5, 5.0, 7.5, 10.0].
  • enable_exemplars - Enable exemplar collection. Default is
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