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Request Tracker (RT)是一款开源的企业级工单管理系统。它能帮助组织跟踪任务进度、分配工作和监控完成情况。RT具备全文检索、HTML转换和TLS加密等功能,支持多种数据库和Web服务器。系统安装便捷,适用于各类规模的组织进行工作流程管理。RT提供免费使用权,同时也有商业支持服务可选。

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Request Tracker (RT)

RT is an open source, enterprise-grade issue and ticket tracking system.
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RT allows organizations to keep track of what needs to get done, who is working on which tasks, what's already been done, and when tasks were (or weren't) completed.

RT doesn't cost anything to use, no matter how much you use it; it is freely available under the terms of Version 2 of the GNU General Public License.

RT is commercially-supported software. To purchase hosting, support, training, custom development, or professional services, please get in touch with us at

Screenshot of RT


  • Perl 5.10.1 or later (

    • RT won't start on versions of Perl older than 5.10.1.
  • A supported SQL database

    • MySQL 5.7, 8 with InnoDB support
    • MariaDB 10.2 or later with InnoDB support
    • Postgres 9.5 or later
    • Oracle 12c or later
    • SQLite 3.0 or later (for testing only, no upgrade path guaranteed)
  • A webserver with FastCGI or mod_perl support

    RT's FastCGI handler needs to access RT's configuration file.

  • Various and sundry perl modules

    • A tool included with RT takes care of the installation of most of these automatically using Perl's CPAN ( Some operating systems package all or some of the modules required, and you may be better off installing the modules that way.


  • Full-text indexing support in your database

  • An external HTML converter

    • Installing an external utility to convert HTML can improve performance. See the $HTMLFormatter configuration option for details.
  • A TLS certificate for your web server

    • For production use, we recommend getting an SSL certificate for your web server. You can get them free from Let's Encrypt ( or even create your own self-signed certificate.
    • If you are testing and want to run without a certificate, add this to your etc/ file:
      Set( $WebSecureCookies, 0 );
    • Without this setting, your browser won't trust RT's cookies and you won't be able to log in. See etc/RT_Config.html#WebSecureCookies for more information.


  1. Unpack this distribution other than where you want to install RT. Your home directory or /usr/local/src are both fine choices. Change to that directory and run the following command:

    tar xzvf rt.tar.gz
  2. Run the configure script. To see the list of options, run:

    ./configure --help

    Or review the options on our documentation page for configure.

    Then re-run ./configure with the flags you want.

    RT defaults to installing in /opt/rt5. It tries to guess which of www-data, www, apache or nobody your webserver will run as, but you can override that behavior. Note that the default install directory in /opt/rt5 does not work under SELinux's default configuration.

    The default database type (--with-db-type) is mysql, which means MySQL version 8 and later. Starting in RT 5.0.6, use mysql5 to run MySQL 5.7 or older, and use MariaDB to run with MariaDB.

    If you are upgrading from a previous version of RT, please review the upgrade notes for the appropriate versions, which can be found in docs/UPGRADING-*.

    If you are upgrading from 4.4.x to 5.0.x you should review both the UPGRADING-4.4 and UPGRADING-5.0 files.

    if you are upgrading from 4.2.x, you should review UPGRADING-4.2 as well.

    Any upgrade steps given in version-specific UPGRADING files should be run after the rest of the steps below; however, please read the relevant documentation before beginning the upgrade, so as to be aware of important changes.

    RT stores the arguments given to ./configure at the top of the etc/ file in case you need to recreate your previous use of ./configure.

  3. Make sure that RT has the Perl and system libraries it needs to run. Check for missing dependencies by running:

    make testdeps
  4. If the script reports any missing dependencies, install them by hand, or run the following command as a user who has permission to install perl modules on your system:

    make fixdeps

    Some modules require user input or environment variables to install correctly, so it may be necessary to install them manually. Some modules also require external source libraries, so you may need to install additional packages.

    If you are having trouble installing GD, refer to "Installing GD libraries" in docs/charts.pod. Ticket relationship graphing requires the graphviz library which you should install using your distribution's package manager.

    See docs/rt_perl.pod for additional information about installing perl and RT's dependencies.

  5. Check to make sure everything was installed properly.

    make testdeps

    It might sometimes be necessary to run "make fixdeps" several times to install all necessary perl modules.

6a. If you are installing RT for the first time

As a user with permission to install RT in your chosen directory, type:

make install

To configure RT with the web installer, run:


and follow the instructions. Once completed, you should now have a working RT instance running with the

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