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可移植的C++文件系统库 GHC Filesystem

GHC Filesystem 是一个兼容 std::filesystem 的跨平台 C++ 库,支持 C++11 及以上版本。它提供文件路径处理、目录操作等功能,可在 macOS、Windows、Linux 等系统上使用。该库采用 header-only 设计,支持 UTF-8 编码,易于集成到现有项目中。对于不支持 std::filesystem 的环境,GHC Filesystem 是一个理想的替代方案。

Supported Platforms License: MIT CMake Build Matrix Build Status Build Status Coverage Status Latest Release Tag


This is a header-only single-file std::filesystem compatible helper library, based on the C++17 and C++20 specs, but implemented for C++11, C++14, C++17 or C++20 (tightly following the C++17 standard with very few documented exceptions). It is currently tested on macOS 10.12/10.14/10.15/11.6, Windows 10, Ubuntu 18.04, Ubuntu 20.04, CentOS 7, CentOS 8, FreeBSD 12, Alpine ARM/ARM64 Linux and Solaris 10 but should work on other systems too, as long as you have at least a C++11 compatible compiler. It should work with Android NDK, Emscripten and I even had reports of it being used on iOS (within sandboxing constraints) and with v1.5.6 there is experimental support for QNX. The support of Android NDK, Emscripten, QNX, and since 1.5.14 GNU/Hurd and Haiku is not backed up by automated testing but PRs and bug reports are welcome for those too and they are reported to work. It is of course in its own namespace ghc::filesystem to not interfere with a regular std::filesystem should you use it in a mixed C++17 environment (which is possible).

Test coverage is well above 90%, and starting with v1.3.6 and in v1.5.0 more time was invested in benchmarking and optimizing parts of the library. I'll try to continue to optimize some parts and refactor others, striving to improve it as long as it doesn't introduce additional C++17/C++20 compatibility issues. Feedback is always welcome. Simply open an issue if you see something missing or wrong or not behaving as expected and I'll comment.


I'm often in need of filesystem functionality, mostly fs::path, but directory access too, and when beginning to use C++11, I used that language update to try to reduce my third-party dependencies. I could drop most of what I used, but still missed some stuff that I started implementing for the fun of it. Originally I based these helpers on my own coding- and naming conventions. When C++17 was finalized, I wanted to use that interface, but it took a while, to push myself to convert my classes.

The implementation is closely based on chapter 30.10 from the C++17 standard and a draft close to that version is Working Draft N4687. It is from after the standardization of C++17 but it contains the latest filesystem interface changes compared to the Working Draft N4659. Staring with v1.4.0, when compiled using C++20, it adapts to the changes according to path sorting order and std::u8string handling from Working Draft N4860.

I want to thank the people working on improving C++, I really liked how the language evolved with C++11 and the following standards. Keep on the good work!

Why the namespace GHC?

If you ask yourself, what ghc is standing for, it is simply gulraks helper classes, yeah, I know, not very imaginative, but I wanted a short namespace and I use it in some of my private classes (so it has nothing to do with Haskell, sorry for the name clash).


ghc::filesystem is developed on macOS but CI tested on macOS, Windows, various Linux Distributions, FreeBSD and starting with v1.5.12 on Solaris. It should work on any of these with a C++11-capable compiler. Also there are some checks to hopefully better work on Android, but as I currently don't test with the Android NDK, I wouldn't call it a supported platform yet, same is valid for using it with Emscripten. It is now part of the detected platforms, I fixed the obvious issues and ran some tests with it, so it should be fine. All in all, I don't see it replacing std::filesystem where full C++17 or C++20 is available, it doesn't try to be a "better" std::filesystem, just an almost drop-in if you can't use it (with the exception of the UTF-8 preference).

:information_source: Important: This implementation is following the "UTF-8 Everywhere" philosophy in that all std::string instances will be interpreted the same as std::u8string encoding wise and as being in UTF-8. The std::u16string will be seen as UTF-16. See Differences in API for more information.

Unit tests are currently run with:

  • macOS 10.12: Xcode 9.2 (clang-900.0.39.2), GCC 9.2, Clang 9.0, macOS 10.13: Xcode 10.1, macOS 10.14: Xcode 11.2, macOS 10.15: Xcode 11.6, Xcode 12.4
  • Windows: Visual Studio 2017, Visual Studio 2015, Visual Studio 2019, MinGW GCC 6.3 (Win32), GCC 7.2 (Win64), Cygwin GCC 10.2 (no CI yet)
  • Linux (Ubuntu): GCC (5.5, 6.5, 7.4, 8.3, 9.2), Clang (5.0, 6.0, 7.1, 8.0, 9.0)
  • Linux (Alpine ARM/ARM64): GCC 9.2.0 (The Drone build scripts stopped working, as they where a contribution, I couldn't figure out what went wrong, any help appreciated.)
  • FreeBSD: Clang 8.0
  • Solaris: GCC 5.5


The header comes with a set of unit-tests and uses CMake as a build tool and Catch2 as test framework. All tests are registered with in CMake, so the ctest commando can be used to run the tests.

All tests against this implementation should succeed, depending on your environment it might be that there are some warnings, e.g. if you have no rights to create Symlinks on Windows or at least the test thinks so, but these are just informative.

To build the tests from inside the project directory under macOS or Linux just:

mkdir build
cd build
cmake -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Debug ..

This generates the test binaries that run the tests and the last command executes them.

If the default compiler is a GCC 8 or newer, or Clang 7 or newer, it additionally tries to build a version of the test binary compiled against GCCs/Clangs std::filesystem implementation, named std_filesystem_test as an additional test of conformance. Ideally all tests should compile and succeed with all filesystem implementations, but in reality, there are some differences in behavior, sometimes due to room for interpretation in in the standard, and there might be issues in these implementations too.



The latest release version is v1.5.14 and source archives can be found here.

The latest pre-native-backend version is v1.4.0 and source archives can be found here.

The latest pre-C++20-support release version is v1.3.10 and source archives can be found here.

Currently only the latest minor release version receives bugfixes, so if possible, you should use the latest release.

Using it as Single-File-Header

As ghc::filesystem is at first a header-only library, it should be enough to copy the header or the include/ghc directory into your project folder or point your include path to this place and simply include the filesystem.hpp header (or ghc/filesystem.hpp if you use the subdirectory).

Everything is in the namespace ghc::filesystem, so one way to use it only as a fallback could be:

#if _MSVC_LANG >= 201703L || __cplusplus >= 201703L && defined(__has_include)
    // ^ Supports MSVC prior to 15.7 without setting /Zc:__cplusplus to fix __cplusplus
    // _MSVC_LANG works regardless. But without the switch, the compiler always reported 199711L:
    #if __has_include(<filesystem>) // Two stage __has_include needed for MSVC 2015 and per
        #define GHC_USE_STD_FS

        // Old Apple OSs don't support std::filesystem, though the header is available at compile
        // time. In particular, std::filesystem is unavailable before macOS 10.15, iOS/tvOS 13.0,
        // and watchOS 6.0.
        #ifdef __APPLE__
            #include <Availability.h>
            // Note: This intentionally uses std::filesystem on any new Apple OS, like visionOS
            // released after std::filesystem, where std::filesystem is always available.
            // (All other __<platform>_VERSION_MIN_REQUIREDs will be undefined and thus 0.)
                #undef GHC_USE_STD_FS

    #include <filesystem>
    namespace fs = std::filesystem;
    #include "filesystem.hpp"
    namespace fs = ghc::filesystem;

If you want to also use the fstream wrapper with path support as fallback, you might use:

#if _MSVC_LANG >= 201703L || __cplusplus >= 201703L && defined(__has_include)
    // ^ Supports MSVC prior to 15.7 without setting /Zc:__cplusplus to fix __cplusplus
    // _MSVC_LANG works regardless. But without the switch, the compiler always reported 199711L:
    #if __has_include(<filesystem>) // Two stage __has_include needed for MSVC 2015 and per
        #define GHC_USE_STD_FS

        // Old Apple OSs don't support std::filesystem, though the header is available at compile
        // time. In particular, std::filesystem is unavailable before macOS 10.15, iOS/tvOS 13.0,
        // and watchOS 6.0.
        #ifdef __APPLE__
            #include <Availability.h>
            // Note: This intentionally uses std::filesystem on any new Apple OS, like visionOS
            // released after std::filesystem, where std::filesystem is always available.
            // (All other __<platform>_VERSION_MIN_REQUIREDs will be undefined and thus 0.)
                #undef GHC_USE_STD_FS

    #include <filesystem>
    namespace fs {
        using namespace std::filesystem;
        using ifstream = std::ifstream;
        using ofstream = std::ofstream;
        using fstream = std::fstream;
    #include "filesystem.hpp"
    namespace fs {
        using namespace ghc::filesystem;
        using ifstream = ghc::filesystem::ifstream;
        using ofstream = ghc::filesystem::ofstream;
        using fstream = ghc::filesystem::fstream;

Now you have e.g. fs::ofstream out(somePath); and it is either the wrapper or the C++17 std::ofstream.

:information_source: Be aware, as a header-only library, it is not hiding the fact, that it uses system includes, so they "pollute" your global namespace. Use the forwarding-/implementation-header based approach (see below) to avoid this. For Windows it needs Windows.h and it might be a good idea to define WIN32_LEAN_AND_MEAN or NOMINMAX prior to including filesystem.hpp or fs_std.hpp headers to reduce pollution of your global namespace and compile time. They are not defined by ghc::filesystem to allow combination with contexts where the full Windows.his needed, e.g. for UI elements.

:information_source: Hint: There is an additional header named ghc/fs_std.hpp that implements this dynamic selection of a filesystem implementation, that you can include instead of ghc/filesystem.hpp when you want std::filesystem where available and ghc::filesystem where not.

Using it as Forwarding-/Implementation-Header

Alternatively, starting from v1.1.0 ghc::filesystem can also be used by including one of two additional wrapper headers. These allow to include a forwarded version in most places (ghc/fs_fwd.hpp) while hiding the implementation details in a single cpp file that

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