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SSH 操作步骤插件,简化 Jenkins Pipeline 远程任务

ssh-steps-plugin 为 Jenkins Pipeline 提供 SSH 操作功能,支持远程命令执行、脚本运行和文件传输。该插件简化了 CI/CD 流程中的远程服务器操作,支持灵活配置并与 Jenkins 凭证系统集成。基于 Groovy SSH 库开发,ssh-steps-plugin 通过易用的 Pipeline 步骤增强了 Jenkins 的远程任务处理能力。

= SSH Pipeline Steps :toc: macro :note-caption: :information_source: :tip-caption: :bulb:


link:[image:[Build]] image:[License] link:[image:[Wiki]] image:[link=""]

Jenkins pipeline steps which provides SSH facilities such as command execution or file transfer for continuous delivery. It internally uses the library of[Groovy SSH].

Read more about the YAML extension of this plugin at[this blog post]

''' toc::[]

== Configuration === Remote

Most of the steps in this plugin require a common step variable called remote, which is Map of remote node settings such as user name, password and so on. Here is list of all possible keys that can be set.

[%header,cols=3*] |=== |Key |Type |Description

|name |String, Mandatory |Remote name, usually this is same as host name.

|host |String, Mandatory |Hostname or IP address of the remote host.

|port |int |Port. Defaults to port 22.

|user |String, Mandatory |User name.

|allowAnyHosts |boolean |If this is true, knownHosts is optional. Defaults to false.

|knownHosts |String, Mandatory |Known hosts file for host key checking.

|password |String, one of password, identity or identityFile is required |Password for password authentication.

|identity |String, one of password, identity or identityFile is required |Private key for public-key authentication.

|identityFile |String, one of password, identity or identityFile is required |Private key file name for public-key authentication.

|passphrase |String |Pass-phrase for the private key.

|agent |boolean |If this is true, Putty Agent or ssh-agent is used on authentication. Defaults to false.

|timeoutSec |int |Connection timeout and socket read timeout. Defaults to 0 (OS default).

|retryCount |int |Retry count to establish connection. Defaults to 0 (no retry).

|retryWaitSec |int |Interval time between each retries. Defaults to 0 (immediately).

|keepAliveSec |int |Interval time of keep alive messages sent to the remote host. Defaults to 60 seconds.

|agentForwarding |boolean |If this is true, the agent forwarding is requested on the command execution. Defaults to false.

|fileTransfer |String |File transfer method, that is sftp or scp. Defaults to sftp.

|encoding |String |Encoding of input and output on the command or shell execution. Defaults to UTF-8.

|proxy |Proxy, refer below. |If this is set, the proxy server is used to reach the remote host. Defaults to no proxy.

|gateway |Remote |Gateway remote host. If this is set, the port-forwarding tunnel is used to reach the remote host. Defaults to no gateway.

|appendName |boolean |If this is true, name is prefixed to each line in the log output. New format: name\|log.

|logLevel |String a|Defaults to SEVERE

Possible values, refer to java logging[levels]

  • SEVERE (highest value)
  • INFO
  • FINE
  • FINEST (lowest value)

|pty |boolean |If this is true, a PTY (pseudo-terminal) is allocated on the command execution. Defaults to false. |===

=== Proxy

[%header,cols=3*] |=== |Key |Type |Description

|name |String, Mandatory |Proxy name

|host |String, Mandatory |Hostname or IP address of the proxy server.

|port |int, Mandatory |Port of the proxy server.

|type |String, Mandatory |Type of the proxy server: SOCKS or HTTP.

|user |String |User name of the proxy server.

|password |String |Password of the proxy server.

|socksVersion |int |Protocol version when using SOCKS: 4 or 5. Defaults to 5. |===

== Pipeline Steps

The following pipeline steps are available with the initial version of this plugin.

=== sshCommand

This step executes given command on remote node and responds with output.

==== Input

[%header,cols=3*] |=== |Key |Type |Description

|remote |Remote, Mandatory, Refer to the Remote config for more details. |Host config to run the command on.

|command |String, Mandatory |Shell command to run. Appending sudo is optional when sudo is true.

|sudo |boolean, default: false. |Interactively supplies the password, not required for password less sudo commands. + + sshCommand with sudo:true param also requires pty:true on remote config with this upgrade. (This is only applicable for few platforms like Linux so apply this accordingly.)

|failOnError |boolean, default: true. |If this is false, no job failure would occur though there is an error while running the command.

|dryRun |boolean, default: false |If this is true, no actual connection or operation is performed. |===

==== Example

node {
  def remote = [:] = 'test' = ''
  remote.user = 'root'
  remote.password = 'password'
  remote.allowAnyHosts = true
  stage('Remote SSH') {
    sshCommand remote: remote, command: "ls -lrt"
    sshCommand remote: remote, command: "for i in {1..5}; do echo -n \"Loop \$i \"; date ; sleep 1; done"

=== sshScript

This step executes given script(file) on remote node and responds with output.

==== Input

[%header,cols=3*] |=== |Key |Type |Description

|remote |Remote, Mandatory, Refer to the Remote config for more details. |Host config to run the command on.

|script |String, Mandatory |Script file name from the workspace, current this doesn't support script with arguments. For that option you would need to copy over the file to remote node and run it as a command.

|failOnError |boolean, default: true. |If this is false, no job failure would occur though there is an error while running the command.

|dryRun |boolean, default: false |If this is true, no actual connection or operation is performed. |===

==== Example

node {
  def remote = [:] = 'test' = ''
  remote.user = 'root'
  remote.password = 'password'
  remote.allowAnyHosts = true
  stage('Remote SSH') {
    writeFile file: '', text: 'ls -lrt'
    sshScript remote: remote, script: ""

=== sshPut

Put a file or directory into the remote host.

==== Input

[%header,cols=3*] |=== |Key |Type |Description

|remote |Remote, Mandatory, Refer to the Remote config for more details. |Host config to run the command on.

|from |String, Mandatory |file or directory path from the workspace.

|into |String, Mandatory |file or directory path on the remote node.

|filterBy |String, Optional, Defaults to name. |Put files by a file filter. Possible values are params on the java File object.

|filterRegex |String, Optional. |Put files by a file regex (Groovy syntax). Example: /.xml$/ - Puts all xml files.

|failOnError |boolean, default: true. |If this is false, no job failure would occur though there is an error while running the command.

|dryRun |boolean, default: false |If this is true, no actual connection or operation is performed. |===

==== Example

node {
  def remote = [:] = 'test' = ''
  remote.user = 'root'
  remote.password = 'password'
  remote.allowAnyHosts = true
  stage('Remote SSH') {
    writeFile file: '', text: 'ls -lrt'
    sshPut remote: remote, from: '', into: '.'

=== sshGet

Get a file or directory from the remote host.

==== Input

[%header,cols=3*] |=== |Key |Type |Description

|remote |Remote, Mandatory, Refer to the Remote config for more details. |Host config to run the command on.

|from |String, Mandatory |file or directory path from the remote node.

|into |String, Mandatory |file or directory path on current workspace.

|filterBy |String, Optional, Defaults to name. |Get files by a file filter. Possible values are params on the java File object.

|filterRegex |String, Optional. |Get files by a file regex (Groovy syntax). Example: /.xml$/ - Gets all xml files.

|failOnError |boolean, default: true. |If this is false, no job failure would occur though there is an error while running the command.

|dryRun |boolean, default: false |If this is true, no actual connection or operation is performed. |===

==== Example

node {
  def remote = [:] = 'test' = ''
  remote.fileTransfer = 'scp'
  remote.user = 'root'
  remote.password = 'password'
  remote.allowAnyHosts = true
  stage('Remote SSH') {
    sshGet remote: remote, from: '', into: '', override: true
  stage('Retrieve files with regex') {
    def regexPattern = ".+\\.(log|csv)\$"
    sshGet remote: remote, from: '/home/jenkins/', filterRegex: regexPattern, into: 'tests/', override: true

=== sshRemove

Remove a file or directory on the remote host.

==== Input

[%header,cols=3*] |=== |Key |Type |Description

|remote |Remote, Mandatory, Refer to the Remote config for more details. |Host config to run the command on.

|path |String, Mandatory |file or directory path on the remote node

|failOnError |boolean, default: true. |If this is false, no job failure would occur though there is an error while running the command.

|dryRun |boolean, default: false |If this is true, no actual connection or operation is performed. |===

==== Example

node {
  def remote = [:] = 'test' = ''
  remote.user = 'root'
  remote.password = 'password'
  remote.allowAnyHosts = true
  stage('Remote SSH') {
    sshRemove remote: remote, path: ""

== Examples

=== withCredentials

An example how these steps can leverage withCredentials to read private key from Jenkins credentials store.

def remote = [:] = "node-1" = ""
remote.allowAnyHosts = true

node {
    withCredentials([sshUserPrivateKey(credentialsId: 'sshUser', keyFileVariable: 'identity', passphraseVariable: '', usernameVariable: 'userName')]) {
        remote.user = userName
        remote.identityFile = identity
        stage("SSH Steps Rocks!") {
            writeFile file: '', text: 'ls'
            sshCommand remote: remote, command: 'for i in {1..5}; do echo -n \"Loop \$i \"; date ; sleep 1; done'
            sshPut remote: remote, from: '', into: '.'
            sshGet remote: remote, from: '', into: '', override: true
            sshScript remote: remote, script: ''
            sshRemove remote: remote, path: ''

==== Classic View: image::docs/static/images/ExampleWithCredentials.png[ExampleWithCredentials,900]

==== Blue Ocean View: image::docs/static/images/ExampleWithCredentialsBlueOcean.png[ExampleWithCredentialsBlueOcean,900]

== link:CONTRIBUTING.adoc[Contributing Guide]

== link:CHANGELOG.adoc[Changelog]

== Maintainers

== Disclaimer

Please don't hesitate to log a[JIRA] or github pull request if you need any help or if you can be of help with this plugin :). Refer to the link:./CONTRIBUTING.adoc[contribution guide] for more information.

== License

Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the “License”); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at

Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an “AS IS” BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the

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