Talking Head (3D)
Demo Videos
All the demo videos are real-time screen captures from a Chrome browser running the TalkingHead test web app without any post-processing.
Use Case Examples
Video/App | Use Case |
Video conferencing. A video conferencing solution with real-time transcription, contextual AI responses, and voice lip-sync. The app and demo, featuring Olivia, by namnm 👍 | |
Recycling Advisor 3D. Snap a photo and get local recycling advice from a talking avatar. My entry for the Gemini API Developer Competition. | |
Live Twitch adventure. Evertrail is an infinite, real-time generated world where all of your choices shape the outcome. Video clip and the app by JPhilipp 👏👏 | |
Quantum physics using a blackboard. David introduces us to the CHSH game and explores the mystery of quantum entanglement. For more information about the research project, see CliqueVM. | |
Interactive Portfolio. Click the image to open the app, where you can interview the virtual persona of its developer, AkshatRastogi-1nC0re 👋 |
Talking Head (3D) is a JavaScript class featuring a 3D avatar that can speak and lip-sync in real-time. The class supports Ready Player Me full-body 3D avatars (GLB), Mixamo animations (FBX), and subtitles. It also knows a set of emojis, which it can convert into facial expressions.
By default, the class uses Google Cloud TTS for text-to-speech and has a built-in lip-sync support for English, Finnish, and Lithuanian (beta). New lip-sync languages can be added by creating new lip-sync language modules. It is also possible to integrate the class with an external TTS service, such as Microsoft Azure Speech SDK or ElevenLabs WebSocket API.
The class uses ThreeJS / WebGL for 3D rendering.
Talking Head class
You can download the TalkingHead modules from releases (without dependencies). Alternatively, you can import all the needed modules from a CDN:
<script type="importmap">
{ "imports":
"three": "",
"three/addons/": "",
"talkinghead": ""
If you want to use the built-in Google TTS and lip-sync using Single Sign-On (SSO) functionality, give the class your TTS proxy endpoint and a function from which to obtain the JSON Web Token needed to use that proxy. Refer to Appendix B for one way to implement JWT SSO.
import { TalkingHead } from "talkinghead";
// Create the talking head avatar
const nodeAvatar = document.getElementById('avatar');
const head = new TalkingHead( nodeAvatar, {
ttsEndpoint: "/gtts/",
jwtGet: jwtGet,
lipsyncModules: ["en", "fi"]
FOR HOBBYISTS: If you're just looking to experiment on your personal laptop without dealing with proxies, JSON Web Tokens, or Single Sign-On, take a look at the minimal code example. Simply download the file, add your Google TTS API key, and you'll have a basic web app template with a talking head.
The following table lists all the available options and their default values:
Option | Description |
jwsGet | Function to get the JSON Web Token (JWT). See Appendix B for more information. |
ttsEndpoint | Text-to-speech backend/endpoint/proxy implementing the Google Text-to-Speech API. |
ttsApikey | If you don't want to use a proxy or JWT, you can use Google TTS endpoint directly and provide your API key here. NOTE: I recommend that you don't use this in production and never put your API key in any client-side code. |
ttsLang | Google text-to-speech language. Default is "fi-FI" . |
ttsVoice | Google text-to-speech voice. Default is "fi-FI-Standard-A" . |
ttsRate | Google text-to-speech rate in the range [0.25, 4.0]. Default is 0.95 . |
ttsPitch | Google text-to-speech pitch in the range [-20.0, 20.0]. Default is 0 . |
ttsVolume | Google text-to-speech volume gain (in dB) in the range [-96.0, 16.0]. Default is 0 . |
ttsTrimStart | Trim the viseme sequence start relative to the beginning of the audio (shift in milliseconds). Default is 0 . |
ttsTrimEnd | Trim the viseme sequence end relative to the end of the audio (shift in milliseconds). Default is 300 . |
lipsyncModules | Lip-sync modules to load dynamically at start-up. Limiting the number of language modules improves the loading time and memory usage. Default is ["en", "fi", "lt"] . [≥v1.2 ] |
lipsyncLang | Lip-sync language. Default is "fi" . |
pcmSampleRate | PCM (signed 16bit little endian) sample rate used in speakAudio in Hz. Default is 22050 . |
modelRoot | The root name of the armature. Default is Armature . |
modelPixelRatio | Sets the device's pixel ratio. Default is 1 . |
modelFPS | Frames per second. Note that actual frame rate will be a bit lower than the set value. Default is 30 . |
modelMovementFactor | A factor in the range [0,1] limiting the avatar's upper body movement when standing. Default is 1 . [≥v1.2 ] |
cameraView | Initial view. Supported views are "full" , "mid" , "upper" and "head" . Default is "full" . |
cameraDistance | Camera distance offset for initial view in meters. Default is 0 . |
cameraX | Camera position offset in X direction in meters. Default is 0 . |
cameraY | Camera position offset in Y direction in meters. Default is 0 . |
cameraRotateX | Camera rotation offset in X direction in radians. Default is 0 . |
cameraRotateY | Camera rotation offset in Y direction in radians. Default is 0 . |
cameraRotateEnable | If true, the user is allowed to rotate the 3D model. Default is true . |
cameraPanEnable | If true, the user is allowed to pan the 3D model. Default is false . |
cameraZoomEnable | If true, the user is allowed to zoom the 3D model. Default is false . |
lightAmbientColor | Ambient light color. The value can be a hexadecimal color or CSS-style string. Default is 0xffffff . |
lightAmbientIntensity | Ambient light intensity. Default is 2 . |
lightDirectColor | Direction light color. The value can be a hexadecimal color or CSS-style string. Default is 0x8888aa . |
lightDirectIntensity | Direction light intensity. Default is 30 . |
lightDirectPhi | Direction light phi angle. Default is 0.1 . |
lightDirectTheta | Direction light theta angle. Default is 2 . |
lightSpotColor | Spot light color. The value can be a hexadecimal color or CSS-style string. Default is 0x3388ff . |
lightSpotIntensity | Spot light intensity. Default is 0 . |
lightSpotPhi | Spot light phi angle. Default is 0.1 . |
lightSpotTheta | Spot light theta angle. Default is 4 . |
lightSpotDispersion | Spot light dispersion. Default is 1 . |
avatarMood | The mood of the avatar. Supported moods: "neutral" , "happy" , "angry" , "sad" , "fear" , "disgust" , "love" , "sleep" . Default is "neutral" . |
avatarMute | Mute the avatar. This can be helpful option if you want to output subtitles without audio and lip-sync. Default is false . |
markedOptions | Options for Marked markdown parser. Default is { mangle:false, headerIds:false, breaks: true } . |
statsNode | Parent DOM element for the three.js stats display. If null , don't use. Default is null . |
statsStyle | CSS style for the stats element. If null , use the three.js default style. Default is null . |
Once the instance has been created, you can load and display your avatar. Refer to Appendix A for how to make your avatar:
// Load and show the avatar
try {
await head.showAvatar( {
url: './avatars/brunette.glb',
body: 'F',
avatarMood: 'neutral',
ttsLang: "en-GB",
ttsVoice: "en-GB-Standard-A",
lipsyncLang: 'en'
} catch (error) {
An example of how to make the avatar speak the text on input text
the button speak
is clicked:
// Speak 'text' when the button 'speak' is clicked
const nodeSpeak = document.getElementById('speak');
nodeSpeak.addEventListener('click', function () {
try {
const text = document.getElementById('text').value;
if ( text ) {
head.speakText( text );
} catch (error) {
The following table lists some of the key methods. See the source code for the rest:
Method | Description |
showAvatar(avatar, [onprogress=null]) | Load and show the specified avatar. The avatar object must include the url for GLB file. Optional properties are body for either male M or female F body form, lipsyncLang , ttsLang , ttsVoice , ttsRate , ttsPitch , ttsVolume , avatarMood and avatarMute . |
setView(view, [opt]) | Set view. Supported views are "full" , "mid" , "upper" and "head" . The opt object can be used to set cameraDistance , cameraX , cameraY , cameraRotateX , cameraRotateY . |
setLighting(opt) | Change lighting settings. The opt object can be used to set lightAmbientColor , lightAmbientIntensity , lightDirectColor , lightDirectIntensity , lightDirectPhi , lightDirectTheta , lightSpotColor , lightSpotIntensity , lightSpotPhi , lightSpotTheta , lightSpotDispersion . |
speakText(text, [opt={}], [onsubtitles=null], [excludes=[]]) | Add the text string to the speech queue. The text can contain face emojis. Options opt can be used to set text-specific lipsyncLang , ttsLang , ttsVoice , ttsRate , ttsPitch , ttsVolume , avatarMood , avatarMute . Optional callback function onsubtitles is called whenever a new subtitle is to be written with the parameter of the added string. The optional excludes is an array of [start,end] indices to be excluded from audio but to be included in the subtitles. |
speakAudio(audio, [opt={}], [onsubtitles=null]) | Add a new audio object to the speech queue. In audio object, property audio is either AudioBuffer or an array of PCM 16bit LE audio chunks. Property words is an array of words, wtimes is an array of corresponding starting times in milliseconds, and wdurations an array of durations in milliseconds. If the Oculus viseme IDs are know, they can be given in optional visemes , vtimes and vdurations arrays. The object also supports optional timed callbacks using markers and mtimes . The opt object can be used to set text-specific lipsyncLang . |
speakEmoji(e) | Add an emoji e to the speech queue. |
speakBreak(t) | Add a break of t milliseconds to the speech queue. |
speakMarker(onmarker) | Add a marker to the speech queue. The callback function onmarker is called when the queue processes the event. |
lookAt(x,y,t) | Make the avatar's head turn to look at the screen position (x ,y ) for t milliseconds. |
lookAtCamera(t) | Make the avatar's head turn to look at the camera for t milliseconds. |
setMood(mood) | Set avatar mood. |
playBackgroundAudio(url) | Play background audio such as ambient sounds/music in a loop. |
stopBackgroundAudio() | Stop playing the background audio. |
setMixerGain(speech, background) | The amount of gain for speech and background audio (see Web Audio API / GainNode for more information). Default value is 1 . |
playAnimation(url, [onprogress=null], [dur=10], [ndx=0], [scale=0.01]) | Play Mixamo animation file for dur seconds, but full rounds and at least once. If the FBX file includes several animations, the parameter ndx specifies the index. Since Mixamo rigs have a scale 100 and RPM a scale 1, the scale factor can be used to scale the positions. |
stopAnimation() | Stop the current animation started by playAnimation . |
playPose(url, [onprogress=null], [dur=5], [ndx=0], [scale=0.01]) | Play the initial pose of a Mixamo animation file for dur seconds. If the FBX file includes several animations, the parameter ndx specifies the index. Since Mixamo rigs have a scale 100 and RPM a scale 1, the scale factor can be used to scale the positions. |
stopPose() | Stop the current pose started by playPose . |
playGesture(name, [dur=3], [mirror=false], [ms=1000]) | Play a named hand gesture and/or animated emoji for dur seconds with the ms transition time. The available hand gestures are handup , index , ok , thumbup , thumbdown , side , shrug . By default, hand gestures are done with the left hand. If you want the right handed version, set mirror to true. You can also use playGesture to play emojis. See Appendix D for more details. [≥v1.2 ] |
stopGesture([ms=1000]) | Stop the gesture with ms transition time. [≥v1.2 ] |
start | Start/re-start the Talking Head animation loop. |
stop | Stop the Talking Head animation loop. |
The class has been tested on the latest Chrome, Firefox, Safari, and Edge desktop browsers, as well as on iPad.