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Pandoc Docker 镜像集合 满足多样文档转换需求

该项目提供多种 Pandoc Docker 镜像变体,如 minimal、core、latex 和 extra,适用于不同文档转换场景。用户可在支持 Docker 的环境中轻松进行文档转换,无需手动安装 Pandoc 及其依赖。项目包含 GitHub Actions 使用示例,并说明如何构建自定义镜像,如添加拼写检查或国际化支持等特定功能。

pandoc Dockerfiles

This repo contains a collection of Dockerfiles to build various pandoc container images.

Available Images

Docker images hosted here have the following variants:

  • minimal: kept as small as possible. See the pandoc/minimal repository.
  • core: suitable for common conversion tasks; includes additional libraries and programs. See the pandoc/core repository.
  • latex: builds on top of the core image, and provides a basic LaTeX installation in addition. This includes all packages that pandoc might use, and any libraries needed by these packages. See the pandoc/latex repository.
  • extra: extends the latex image with a curated selection of templates, filters, fonts, etc. See the pandoc/extra repository.

All images are based on the alpine stack. The pandoc/minimal, pandoc/latex and pandoc/extra images are also available with an ubuntu stack.


Note: this section describes how to use the docker images. Please refer to the pandoc manual for usage information about pandoc.

Docker images are pre-provisioned computing environments, similar to virtual machines, but smaller and cleverer. You can use these images to convert document wherever you can run docker images, without having to worry about pandoc or its dependencies. The images bring along everything they need to get the job done.

Basic Usage

  1. Install Docker if you don't have it already.

  2. Start up Docker. Usually you will have an application called "Docker" on your computer with a rudimentary graphical user interface (GUI). You can also run this command in the command-line interface (CLI):

    open -a Docker
  3. Open a shell and navigate to wherever the files are that you want to convert.

    cd path/to/source/dir

    You can always run pwd to check whether you're in the right place.

  4. Run docker by entering the below commands in your favorite shell.

    Let's say you have a in your working directory that you'd like to convert to HTML.

    docker run --rm --volume "`pwd`:/data" --user `id -u`:`id -g` pandoc/latex:2.6

    The --volume flag maps some directory on your machine (lefthand side of the colons) to some directory in the container (righthand side), so that you have your source files available for pandoc to convert. pwd is quoted to protect against spaces in filenames.

    Ownership of the output file is determined by the user executing pandoc in the container. This will generally be a user different from the local user. It is hence a good idea to specify for docker the user and group IDs to use via the --user flag.

    pandoc/latex:2.6 declares the image that you're going to run. It's always a good idea to hardcode the version, lest future releases break your code.

    It may look weird to you that you can just add at the end of this line, but that's just because the pandoc/latex:2.6 will simply prepend pandoc in front of anything you write after pandoc/latex:2.6 (this is known as the ENTRYPOINT field of the Dockerfile). So what you're really running here is pandoc, which is a valid pandoc command.

    If you don't have the current docker image on your computer yet, the downloading and unpacking is going to take a while. It'll be (much) faster the next time. You don't have to worry about where/how Docker keeps these images.

GitHub Actions

GitHub Actions is an Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS) from GitHub that allows you to automatically run code on GitHub's servers on every push (or a bunch of other GitHub events).

Such continuous integration and delivery (CI/CD) may be useful for many pandoc users. Perhaps, you're using pandoc convert some markdown source document into HTML and deploy the results to a webserver. If the source document is under version control (such as git), you might want pandoc to convert and deploy on every commit. That is what CI/CD does.

To use pandoc on GitHub Actions, you can leverage the docker images of this project.

To learn more how to use the docker pandoc images in your GitHub Actions workflow, see these examples.

Building custom images

The official images are bare-bones, providing everything required to use pandoc and Lua filters, but not much more. Often, one will want to have additional software available. This is best achieved by building custom Docker images.

For example, one may want to use advanced spellchecking as demonstrated in the [spellcheck] in the Lua filters collection. This requires the aspell package as well as language-specific packages. A good solution would be to define a new Dockerfile and to use pandoc/core as the base package:

FROM pandoc/core:latest
RUN apk --no-cache add aspell aspell-en aspell-fr

Create a new image by running docker build --tag=pandoc-with-aspell . in the directory containing the Dockerfile. Now you can use pandoc-with-aspell instead of pandoc/core to get access to spellchecking in your image.

See Docker documentation for more details, for example part 2 of the Get Started guide.


Internationalized LaTeX images

This very method can be used to create images with support for additional fonts. This is of particular importance for the processing of documents written in a language that uses non-Latin characters.

Below is an example Dockerfile that can be used to build a custom image with support for Ukrainian. It adds the necessary LaTeX packages via tlmgr and installs Linux Libertine as a font with support for Cyrillic.

FROM pandoc/latex
RUN tlmgr install babel-ukrainian
RUN apk --no-cache add font-linux-libertine

After building a new image as described in the previous section, the image can then be used to convert documents such as:

title: "Приклад українською"
mainfont: Linux Libertine
lang: uk

Цей текст не дуже цікавий.


Code in this repository is licensed under the GNU General Public License, version 2.0 or later.

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