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Deep Learning for Polyp Detection and Classification in Colonoscopy

This repository was created from the following review paper: A. Nogueira-Rodríguez; R. Domínguez-Carbajales; H. López-Fernández; Á. Iglesias; J. Cubiella; F. Fdez-Riverola; M. Reboiro-Jato; D. Glez-Peña (2020) Deep Neural Networks approaches for detecting and classifying colorectal polyps. Neurocomputing.

Please, cite it if you find it useful for your research.



As part of AI4PolypNet, we are involved in a challenge that will be developed at iSMIT (September 2024). In this edition we will focus only on colonoscopy images and, apart from classical polyp detection and segmentation we present an extended version of polyp classification, including the challenging serrated sessile adenoma class. All the information is available here.

About this repository

This repository collects the most relevant studies applying Deep Learning for Polyp Detection and Classification in Colonoscopy from a technical point of view, focusing on the low-level details for the implementation of the DL models. In first place, each study is categorized in three types: (i) polyp detection and localization (through bounding boxes or binary masks, i.e. segmentation), (ii) polyp classification, and (iii) simultaneous polyp detection and classification (i.e. studies based on the usage of a single model such as YOLO or SSD to performs simultaneous polyp detection and classification). Secondly, a summary of the public datasets available as well as the private datasets used in the studies is provided. The third section focuses on technical aspects such as the Deep Learning architectures, the data augmentation techniques and the libraries and frameworks used. Finally, the fourth section summarizes the performance metrics reported by each study.

Suggestions are welcome, please check the contribution guidelines before submitting a pull request.

Table of Contents:


Polyp Detection and Localization

StudyDateEndoscopy typeImaging technologyLocalization typeMultiple polypReal time
Tajbakhsh et al. 2014, Tajbakhsh et al. 2015Sept. 2014 / Apr. 2015ConventionalN/ABounding boxNoYes
Zhu R. et al. 2015Oct. 2015ConventionalN/ABounding box (16x16 patches)YesNo
Park and Sargent 2016March 2016ConventionalNBI, WLBounding boxNoNo
Yu et al. 2017Jan. 2017ConventionalNBI, WLBounding boxNoNo
Zhang R. et al. 2017Jan. 2017ConventionalNBI, WLNoNoNo
Yuan and Meng 2017Feb. 2017WCEN/ANoNoNo
Brandao et al. 2018Feb. 2018Conventional/WCEN/ABinary maskYesNo
Zhang R. et al. 2018May 2018ConventionalWLBounding boxNoNo
Misawa et al. 2018June 2018ConventionalWLNoYesNo
Zheng Y. et al. 2018July 2018ConventionalNBI, WLBounding boxYesYes
Shin Y. et al. 2018July 2018ConventionalWLBounding boxYesNo
Urban et al. 2018Sep. 2018ConventionalNBI, WLBounding boxNoYes
Mohammed et al. 2018, GitHubSep. 2018ConventionalWLBinary maskYesYes
Wang et al. 2018, Wang et al. 2018Oct. 2018ConventionalN/ABinary maskYesYes
Qadir et al. 2019Apr. 2019ConventionalNBI, WLBounding boxYesNo
Blanes-Vidal et al. 2019March 2019WCEN/ABounding boxYesNo
Zhang X. et al. 2019March 2019ConventionalN/ABounding boxYesYes
Misawa et al. 2019June 2019ConventionalN/ANoYesNo
Zhu X. et al. 2019June 2019ConventionalN/ANoNoYes
Ahmad et al. 2019June 2019ConventionalWLBounding boxYesYes
Sornapudi et al. 2019June 2019Conventional/WCEN/ABinary maskYesNo
Wittenberg et al. 2019Sept. 2019ConventionalWLBinary maskYesNo
Yuan Y. et al. 2019Sept. 2019WCEN/ANoNoNo
Ma Y. et al. 2019Oct. 2019ConventionalN/ABounding boxYesNo
Tashk et al. 2019Dec. 2019ConventionalN/ABinary maskNoNo
Jia X. et al. 2020Jan. 2020ConventionalN/ABinary maskYesNo
Ma Y. et al. 2020May 2020ConventionalN/ABounding boxYesNo
Young Lee J. et al. 2020May 2020ConventionalN/ABounding boxYesYes
Wang W. et al. 2020July 2020ConventionalWLNoNoNo
Li T. et al. 2020Oct. 2020ConventionalN/ANoNoNo
Sánchez-Peralta et al. 2020Nov. 2020ConventionalNBI, WLBinary maskNoNo
Podlasek J. et al. 2020Dec. 2020ConventionalN/ABounding boxNoYes
Qadir et al. 2021Feb. 2021ConventionalWLBounding boxYesYes
Xu J. et al. 2021Feb. 2021ConventionalWLBounding boxYesYes
Misawa et al. 2021Apr. 2021ConventionalWLNoYesYes
Livovsky et al. 2021June 2021ConventionalN/ABounding boxYesYes
Pacal et al. 2021July 2021ConventionalWLBounding boxYesYes
Liu et al. 2021July 2021ConventionalN/ABounding boxYesYes
Nogueira-Rodríguez et al. 2021Aug. 2021ConventionalNBI, WLBounding boxYesYes
Yoshida et al. 2021Aug. 2021ConventionalWL, LCIBounding boxYesYes
Ma Y. et al. 2021Sep. 2021ConventionalWLBounding boxYesNo
Pacal et al. 2022Nov. 2021ConventionalWLBounding boxYesYes
Nogueira-Rodríguez et al. 2022April 2022ConventionalNBI, WLBounding boxYesYes
Nogueira-Rodríguez et al. 2023March 2023ConventionalNBI, WLBounding boxYesYes

Polyp Classification

StudyDateEndoscopy typeImaging technologyClassesReal time
Ribeiro et al. 2016Oct. 2016ConventionalWLNeoplastic vs. Non-neoplasticNo
Zhang R. et al. 2017Jan. 2017ConventionalNBI, WLAdenoma vs. hyperplastic
Resectable vs. non-resectable
Adenoma vs. hyperplastic vs. serrated
Byrne et al. 2017Oct. 2017ConventionalNBIAdenoma vs. hyperplasticYes
Komeda et al. 2017Dec. 2017ConventionalNBI, WL, ChromoendoscopyAdenoma vs. non-adenomaNo
Chen et al. 2018Feb. 2018ConventionalNBINeoplastic vs. hyperplasticNo
Lui et al. 2019Apr. 2019ConventionalNBI, WLEndoscopically curable lesions vs. endoscopically incurable lesionNo
Kandel et al. 2019June 2019ConventionalN/AAdenoma vs. hyperplastic vs. serrated (sessile serrated adenoma/traditional serrated adenoma)No
Zachariah et al. 2019Oct. 2019ConventionalNBI, WLAdenoma vs. serratedYes
Bour et al. 2019Dec. 2019ConventionalN/AParis classification: not dangeours (types Ip, Is, IIa, and IIb) vs. dangerous (type IIc) vs. cancer (type III)No
Patino-Barrientos et al. 2020Jan. 2020ConventionalWLKudo's classification: malignant (types I, II, III, and IV) vs. non-malignant (type V)No
Cheng Tao Pu et al. 2020Feb. 2020ConventionalNBI, BLIModified Sano's (MS) classification: MS I (Hyperplastic) vs. MS II (Low-grade tubular adenomas) vs. MS
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