FastAPI Boilerplate
- Async SQLAlchemy session
- Custom user class
- Dependencies for specific permissions
- Celery
- Dockerize(Hot reload)
- Event dispatcher
- Cache
Launch docker
> docker-compose -f docker/docker-compose.yml up
Install dependency
> poetry shell
> poetry install
Apply alembic revision
> alembic upgrade head
Run server
> python3 --env local|dev|prod --debug
Run test codes
> make test
Make coverage report
> make cov
> pre-commit
SQLAlchemy for asyncio context
from core.db import Transactional, session
async def create_user(self):
Do not use explicit commit()
. Transactional
class automatically do.
Query with asyncio.gather()
When executing queries concurrently through asyncio.gather()
, you must use the session_factory
context manager rather than the globally used session.
from core.db import session_factory
async def get_by_id(self, *, user_id) -> User:
stmt = select(User)
async with session_factory() as read_session:
return await read_session.execute(query).scalars().first()
async def main() -> None:
user_1, user_2 = await asyncio.gather(
If you do not use a database connection like session.add()
, it is recommended to use a globally provided session.
Multiple databases
Go to core/
and edit WRITER_DB_URL
in the config class.
If you need additional logic to use the database, refer to the get_bind()
method of RoutingClass
Custom user for authentication
from fastapi import Request
def home(request: Request):
Note. you have to pass jwt token via header like Authorization: Bearer 1234
Custom user class automatically decodes header token and store user information into request.user
If you want to modify custom user class, you have to update below files.
class CurrentUser(BaseModel):
id: int = Field(None, description="ID")
Simply add more fields based on your needs.
current_user = CurrentUser()
After line 18, assign values that you added on CurrentUser
Top-level dependency
Note. Available from version 0.62 or higher.
Set a callable function when initialize FastAPI() app through dependencies
Refer Logging
class inside of core/fastapi/dependencies/
Dependencies for specific permissions
Permissions IsAdmin
, IsAuthenticated
, AllowAll
have already been implemented.
from core.fastapi.dependencies import (
user_router = APIRouter()
responses={"400": {"model": ExceptionResponseSchema}},
dependencies=[Depends(PermissionDependency([IsAdmin]))], # HERE
async def get_user_list(
limit: int = Query(10, description="Limit"),
prev: int = Query(None, description="Prev ID"),
Insert permission through dependencies
If you want to make your own permission, inherit BasePermission
and implement has_permission()
Note. In order to use swagger's authorize function, you must put PermissionDependency
as an argument of dependencies
Event dispatcher
Refer the README of
Caching by prefix
from core.helpers.cache import Cache
@Cache.cached(prefix="get_user", ttl=60)
async def get_user():
Caching by tag
from core.helpers.cache import Cache, CacheTag
@Cache.cached(tag=CacheTag.GET_USER_LIST, ttl=60)
async def get_user():
Use the Cache
decorator to cache the return value of a function.
Depending on the argument of the function, caching is stored with a different value through internal processing.
Custom Key builder
from core.helpers.cache.base import BaseKeyMaker
class CustomKeyMaker(BaseKeyMaker):
async def make(self, function: Callable, prefix: str) -> str:
If you want to create a custom key, inherit the BaseKeyMaker class and implement the make() method.
Custom Backend
from core.helpers.cache.base import BaseBackend
class RedisBackend(BaseBackend):
async def get(self, key: str) -> Any:
async def set(self, response: Any, key: str, ttl: int = 60) -> None:
async def delete_startswith(self, value: str) -> None:
If you want to create a custom key, inherit the BaseBackend class and implement the get()
, set()
, delete_startswith()
Pass your custom backend or keymaker as an argument to init. (/app/
def init_cache() -> None:
Cache.init(backend=RedisBackend(), key_maker=CustomKeyMaker())
Remove all cache by prefix/tag
from core.helpers.cache import Cache, CacheTag
await Cache.remove_by_prefix(prefix="get_user_list")
await Cache.remove_by_tag(tag=CacheTag.GET_USER_LIST)