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尼日利亚开源项目精选 开发者工具与创新应用

Made in Nigeria汇集了尼日利亚开发者创建的优秀开源项目,涵盖Web框架、移动应用、开发工具和库等多个技术领域。该平台展示了尼日利亚开发者的创新能力,为全球开源社区贡献优质资源。通过提高本地科技行业的曝光度,Made in Nigeria促进了开发者间的交流与合作,推动尼日利亚开源生态的发展。

🇳🇬Made. In. Nigeria🇳🇬

A curation of awesome tools and projects built by Nigerian developers :fire:.

A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z


  • Adonis Auth Scaffold - Seamlessly scaffold a ready-to-use authentication system for your Adonis app with one neat command. By @creatrixity | 🏁 Inactive
  • Adonis Hexa - An opinionated software development framework for maintaining a scalable Adonis application. By @creatrixity | 🏁 Inactive
  • Adonis Queue - An addon/plugin package to provide driver-based job queueing services in AdonisJS 4.0+. By @isocroft
  • adonis-sse - An addon/plugin package to provide server-sent events functionality for AdonisJS 4.0+. By @isocroft
  • Adonis Stripe - This package makes it seamless to work with Stripe in AdonisJS 5 applications. By @ammezie
  • Alix - Alix, a Chrome extension for a11y.css. By @ireaderinokun | 🏁 Inactive
  • Altair - A sleek graphQL client app for querying GraphQL servers, like Postman for graphQL. It also comes as a Chrome extension. By @imolorhe
  • Amazon Pay v2 Ruby SDK - An SDk that makes it easy to integrate amazon pay checkout and instore v2 clients in your ruby/ruby on rails projects. By @bytenaija
  • Angular-tag - Tags input directive for AngularJS. By @theo4me | 🏁 Inactive
  • Angular2-Sails-starter-pack - A starter pack for angular2 based projects using sails backend, integrating hot reload functionalities. By @mozartted | 🏁 Inactive
  • Angular4-paystack - This is an angular module that abstracts the complexity of making paystack payments with Angular2+. By @ashinzekene
  • AnimatedCountTextView - A library that helps you animate change in numeric values in an Android TextView. By @srasheed | 🏁 Inactive
  • AppFramer - AppFramer helps to put your app screenshots in beautiful device frames with annotations by running a simple command. By @olucurious | 🏁 Inactive
  • APX - A Javafx Library for building MVC Applications. By @othreecodes | 🏁 Inactive
  • Atom Aurelia snippets - A plugin for Atom Editor to autocomplete aurelia snippets when working with Aurelia. By @unicodeveloper | 🏁 Inactive
  • Atom Material Palenight Syntax - 🍹🍩 An elegant and juicy material-like theme for Atom. By @mrolaolu | 🏁 Inactive


  • BàngáJS - A CLI generator for bootstrapping ExpressJS applications and generating application layer files. By @saucecodee
  • Blackmaria - A Python package for webscraping in Natural language. By @ogbonigwe1
  • Blink Alert - A Chrome Extension for 20-20-20 exercise of the eye. By @martinsobayomi
  • Bob - SQL Query Builder for Go that can be progressively adopted from raw SQL query strings, to fully typed queries and models generated for your database. By @stephenafamo
  • Breadcrumb For Codeigniter - A Lightweight Library for generating Breadcrumb in Codeigniter. By @iamuchejude | 🏁 Inactive
  • Broad-state - Easy state manager for state values from one component to the other with useState and React Hooks in < 1KB! By @codewonders | 🏁 Inactive
  • Browsengine - Rendering Engine Detection Script for Browsers on Any Device. By @isocroft
  • Busser - A robust, opinionated, state management option for scalable and precise communication across ReactJS Components. By @isocroft
  • Button4Android - Android button selector generator. By @tdscientist
  • Buzz - Buzz transcribes audio from your computer's microphones to text using OpenAI's Whisper. By @chidiwilliams_



  • Datasist - Python library for easy data analysis, visualization, exploration and modeling. By @risingodegua
  • danfojs - Danfo.js is an open source, JavaScript library providing high performance, intuitive, and easy to use data structures for manipulating and processing structured data. By @risingodegua and @steveoni
  • DevDb - A zero-config VS Code extension that auto-loads your database and displays the data right inside VS Code. By @_damms005
  • DevOps-Toolkit - Easily and quickly setup your Cloud & DevOps development environment. By @0xGreat
  • Display Medium Posts - Display Medium Posts is a WordPress plugin that allows users display posts from on any part of their website. Available on the WordPress store. By @acekyd
  • Dockward - Port forwarding tool for Docker containers. By @abiosoft | 🏁 Inactive
  • Dot Music Player - 🎧 A light, feature-packed and very customisable material designed Android music player. By @srasheed
  • DownloadThisVideo - Twitter bot for easily downloading videos/GIFs off tweets. By @theshalvah | 🏁 Archived
  • Dropd - Zero-dependency minimalistic dropdown component for React and Vue. By @mrolaolu
  • dumb_password_rails - Rails Password Validator. Validate your user passwords and prevent them from using vulnerable passwords. By @arinzeokeke | 🏁 Inactive
  • DuplicateContactsRemover - 📒A simple app to optimize your address book and remove duplicate contacts. By @srasheed


  • Early Access - This package makes it easy to add early access mode to your existing application. By @neoighodaro
  • esgit — easy-git - CLI package with simplified aliases for git commands. By Dillion Megida
  • Essential Kit - A Boilerplate for NodeJS with all the essential tools. By @ichtrojan | 🏁 Inactive
  • eth-vue - A Vue.js boilerplate for Ethereum Apps, built on Truffle. Authentication functionalities included. By @DOkwufulueze
  • expo-push-notification-helper - This library makes it easy to use push notification in react native using expo. By @just1and0
  • ExpressWebJs - ExpressWebJs is a NodeJS FrameWork with expressive and organised syntax that runs on all major operating systems. It provides the starting point for creating your node project, allowing you to focus more on developing your amazing solution. **By
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豆包 MarsCode 是一款革命性的编程助手,通过AI技术提供代码补全、单测生成、代码解释和智能问答等功能,支持100+编程语言,与主流编辑器无缝集成,显著提升开发效率和代码质量。

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问小白是一个基于 DeepSeek R1 模型的智能对话平台,专为用户提供高效、贴心的对话体验。实时在线,支持深度思考和联网搜索。免费不限次数,帮用户写作、创作、分析和规划,各种任务随时完成!

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