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Mobile-friendly modern Typescript library for dashboard layout and creation. Making a drag-and-drop, multi-column responsive dashboard has never been easier. Has multiple bindings and works great with Angular (included), React, Vue, Knockout.js, Ember and others (see frameworks section).

Inspired by no-longer maintained gridster, built with love.

Check and these demos.

If you find this lib useful, please donate PayPal (use “send to a friend” to avoid 3% fee) or Venmo (adumesny) and help support it!

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Table of Contents generated with DocToc

Demo and API Documentation

Please visit and these demos, and complete API documentation



NPM version

yarn add gridstack
// or
npm install --save gridstack


ES6 or Typescript

import 'gridstack/dist/gridstack.min.css';
import { GridStack } from 'gridstack';

Alternatively (single combined file, notice the -all.js) in html

<link href="node_modules/gridstack/dist/gridstack.min.css" rel="stylesheet"/>
<script src="node_modules/gridstack/dist/gridstack-all.js"></script>

Note: IE support was dropped in v2, but restored in v4.4 by an external contributor (I have no interest in testing+supporting obsolete browser so this likely will break again in the future). You can use the es5 files and polyfill (larger) for older browser instead. For example:

<link href="node_modules/gridstack/dist/gridstack.min.css" rel="stylesheet"/>
<script src="node_modules/gridstack/dist/es5/gridstack-poly.js"></script>
<script src="node_modules/gridstack/dist/es5/gridstack-all.js"></script>

Basic usage

creating items dynamically...

// your HTML
<div class="grid-stack"></div>

// your script
var grid = GridStack.init();
grid.addWidget({w: 2, content: 'item 1'});

... or creating from list

// using serialize data instead of .addWidget()
const serializedData = [
  {x: 0, y: 0, w: 2, h: 2},
  {x: 2, y: 3, w: 3, content: 'item 2'},
  {x: 1, y: 3}


... or DOM created items

// your HTML
<div class="grid-stack">
  <div class="grid-stack-item">
    <div class="grid-stack-item-content">Item 1</div>
  <div class="grid-stack-item" gs-w="2">
    <div class="grid-stack-item-content">Item 2 wider</div>

// your script

...or see list of all API and options available.

see jsfiddle sample as running example too.


GridStack no longer requires external dependencies as of v1 (lodash was removed in v0.5 and jquery API in v1). v3 is a complete HTML5 re-write removing need for jquery. v6 is native mouse and touch event for mobile support, and no longer have jquery-ui version. All you need to include now is gridstack-all.js and gridstack.min.css (layouts are done using CSS column based %).

Specific frameworks

search for 'gridstack' under NPM for latest, more to come...

Extend Library

You can easily extend or patch gridstack with code like this:

// extend gridstack with our own custom method
GridStack.prototype.printCount = function() {
  console.log('grid has ' + this.engine.nodes.length + ' items');

let grid = GridStack.init();

// you can now call

Extend Engine

You can now (5.1+) easily create your own layout engine to further customize your usage. Here is a typescript example

import { GridStack, GridStackEngine, GridStackNod, GridStackMoveOpts } from 'gridstack';

class CustomEngine extends GridStackEngine {

  /** refined this to move the node to the given new location */
  public override moveNode(node: GridStackNode, o: GridStackMoveOpts): boolean {
    // keep the same original X and Width and let base do it all...
    o.x = node.x;
    o.w = node.w;
    return super.moveNode(node, o);

GridStack.registerEngine(CustomEngine); // globally set our custom class

Change grid columns

GridStack makes it very easy if you need [1-12] columns out of the box (default is 12), but you always need 2 things if you need to customize this:

  1. Change the column grid option when creating a grid to your number N
GridStack.init( {column: N} );
  1. also include gridstack-extra.css if N < 12 (else custom CSS - see next). Without these, things will not render/work correctly.
<link href="node_modules/gridstack/dist/gridstack.min.css" rel="stylesheet"/>
<link href="node_modules/gridstack/dist/gridstack-extra.min.css" rel="stylesheet"/>

<div class="grid-stack">...</div>

Note: class .grid-stack-N will automatically be added and we include gridstack-extra.min.css which defines CSS for grids with custom [2-11] columns. Anything more and you'll need to generate the SASS/CSS yourself (see next).

See example: 2 grids demo with 6 columns

Custom columns CSS

If you need > 12 columns or want to generate the CSS manually you will need to generate CSS rules for .grid-stack-item[gs-w="X"] and .grid-stack-item[gs-x="X"].

For instance for 4-column grid you need CSS to be:

.gs-4 > .grid-stack-item[gs-x="1"]  { left: 25% }
.gs-4 > .grid-stack-item[gs-x="2"]  { left: 50% }
.gs-4 > .grid-stack-item[gs-x="3"]  { left: 75% }

.gs-4 > .grid-stack-item { width: 25% }
.gs-4 > .grid-stack-item[gs-w="2"]  { width: 50% }
.gs-4 > .grid-stack-item[gs-w="3"]  { width: 75% }
.gs-4 > .grid-stack-item[gs-w="4"]  { width: 100% }

Better yet, here is a SCSS code snippet, you can use sites like to generate the CSS for you instead:

$columns: 20;
@function fixed($float) {
  @return round($float * 1000) / 1000; // total 2+3 digits being %
.gs-#{$columns} > .grid-stack-item {

  width: fixed(100% / $columns);

  @for $i from 1 through $columns - 1 {
    &[gs-x='#{$i}'] { left: fixed((100% / $columns) * $i); }
    &[gs-w='#{$i+1}'] { width: fixed((100% / $columns) * ($i+1)); }

you can also use the SCSS src/gridstack-extra.scss included in NPM package and modify to add more columns.

Sample gulp command for 30 columns:

        .pipe(replace('$start: 2 !default;','$start: 30;'))
        .pipe(replace('$end: 11 !default;','$end: 30;'))
        .pipe(sass({outputStyle: 'compressed'}))
        .pipe(rename({extname: '.min.css'}))

Override resizable/draggable options

You can override default resizable/draggable options. For instance to enable other then bottom right resizing handle you can init gridstack like:

  resizable: {
    handles: 'e,se,s,sw,w'

Touch devices support

gridstack v6+ now support mobile out of the box, with the addition of native touch event (along with mouse event) for drag&drop and resize. Older versions (3.2+) required the jq version with added touch punch, but doesn't work well with nested grids.

This option is now the default:

let options = {
  alwaysShowResizeHandle: 'mobile' // true if we're on mobile devices

See example.


Migrating to v0.6

starting in 0.6.x change event are no longer sent (for pretty much most nodes!) when an item is just added/deleted unless it also changes other nodes (was incorrect and causing inefficiencies). You may need to track added|removed events if you didn't and relied on the old broken behavior.

Migrating to v1

v1.0.0 removed Jquery from the API and external dependencies, which will require some code changes. Here is a list of the changes:

  1. see previous step if not on v0.6 already

  2. your code only needs to import GridStack from 'gridstack' or include gridstack.all.js and gristack.css (don't include other JS) and is recommended you do that as internal dependencies will change over time. If you are jquery based, see jquery app section.

  3. code change:

OLD initializing code + adding a widget + adding an event:

// initialization returned Jquery element, requiring second call to get GridStack var
var grid = $('.grid-stack').gridstack(opts?).data('gridstack');

// returned Jquery element
grid.addWidget($('<div><div class="grid-stack-item-content"> test </div></div>'), undefined, undefined, 2, undefined, true);

// jquery event handler
$('.grid-stack').on('added', function(e, items) {/* items contains info */});

// grid access after init
var grid = $('.grid-stack').data('gridstack');


// element identifier defaults to '.grid-stack', returns the grid
// Note: for Typescript use window.GridStack.init() until next native 2.x TS version
var grid = GridStack.init(opts?, element?);

// returns DOM element
grid.addWidget('<div><div class="grid-stack-item-content"> test </div></div>', {width: 2});
// Note: in 3.x it's ever simpler 
// grid.addWidget({w:2, content: 'test'})

// event handler
grid.on('added', function(e, items) {/* items contains info */});

// grid access after init
var grid = el.gridstack; // where el = document.querySelector('.grid-stack') or other ways...

Other rename changes

`GridStackUI` --> `GridStack`
`GridStackUI.GridStackEngine` --> `GridStack.Engine`
`grid.container` (jquery grid wrapper) --> `grid.el` // (grid DOM element)
`grid.grid` (GridStackEngine) --> `grid.engine`
`grid.setColumn(N)` --> `grid.column(N)` and `grid.column()` // to get value, old API still supported though

Recommend looking at the many samples for more code examples.

Migrating to v2

make sure to read v1 migration first!

v2 is a Typescript rewrite of 1.x, removing all jquery events, using classes and overall code cleanup to support ES6 modules. Your code might need to change from 1.x

  1. In general methods that used no args (getter) vs setter can't be used in TS
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