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octokit.js是一个适用于浏览器、Node.js和Deno的GitHub开发工具包。它整合了API、App和Action客户端,全面覆盖GitHub平台API,包括REST API、GraphQL和身份验证等功能。这个SDK通用性强,易于扩展和定制,可满足多样化的GitHub开发需求。


The all-batteries-included GitHub SDK for Browsers, Node.js, and Deno.

The octokit package integrates the three main Octokit libraries

  1. API client (REST API requests, GraphQL API queries, Authentication)
  2. App client (GitHub App & installations, Webhooks, OAuth)
  3. Action client (Pre-authenticated API client for single repository)

Table of contents


  • Complete. All features of GitHub's platform APIs are covered.
  • Prescriptive. All recommended best practices are implemented.
  • Universal. Works in all modern browsers, Node.js, and Deno.
  • Tested. All libraries have a 100% test coverage.
  • Typed. All libraries have extensive TypeScript declarations.
  • Decomposable. Use only the code you need. You can build your own Octokit in only a few lines of code or use the underlying static methods. Make your own tradeoff between functionality and bundle size.
  • Extendable. A feature missing? Add functionalities with plugins, hook into the request or webhook lifecycle or implement your own authentication strategy.


Browsers Load octokit directly from
<script type="module">
import { Octokit, App } from "";
Deno Load octokit directly from
import { Octokit, App } from "";

Install with npm/pnpm install octokit, or yarn add octokit

import { Octokit, App } from "octokit";

[!IMPORTANT] As we use conditional exports, you will need to adapt your tsconfig.json by setting "moduleResolution": "node16", "module": "node16".

See the TypeScript docs on package.json "exports".
See this helpful guide on transitioning to ESM from @sindresorhus

Octokit API Client

standalone minimal Octokit: @octokit/core.

The Octokit client can be used to send requests to GitHub's REST API and queries to GitHub's GraphQL API.

Example: Get the username for the authenticated user.

// Create a personal access token at
const octokit = new Octokit({ auth: `personal-access-token123` });

// Compare:
const {
  data: { login },
} = await;
console.log("Hello, %s", login);

Constructor options

The most commonly used options are

name type description
userAgent String

Setting a user agent is required for all requests sent to GitHub's Platform APIs. The user agent defaults to something like this: octokit.js/v1.2.3 Node.js/v8.9.4 (macOS High Sierra; x64). It is recommend to set your own user agent, which will prepend the default one.

const octokit = new Octokit({
  userAgent: "my-app/v1.2.3",
authStrategy Function

Defaults to @octokit/auth-token.

See Authentication below.

auth String or Object

Set to a personal access token unless you changed the authStrategy option.

See Authentication below.

baseUrl String

When using with GitHub Enterprise Server, set options.baseUrl to the root URL of the API. For example, if your GitHub Enterprise Server's hostname is, then set options.baseUrl to Example

const octokit = new Octokit({
  baseUrl: "",

Advanced options

name type description
request Object

Node only

  • request.timeout sets a request timeout, defaults to 0

The request option can also be set on a per-request basis.

timeZone String

Sets the Time-Zone header which defines a timezone according to the list of names from the Olson database.

const octokit = new Octokit({
  timeZone: "America/Los_Angeles",

The time zone header will determine the timezone used for generating the timestamp when creating commits. See GitHub's Timezones documentation.

throttle Object

Octokit implements request throttling using @octokit/plugin-throttling

By default, requests are retried once and warnings are logged in case of hitting a rate or secondary rate limit.

  onRateLimit: (retryAfter, options, octokit) => {
      `Request quota exhausted for request ${options.method} ${options.url}`

    if (options.request.retryCount === 0) {
      // only retries once`Retrying after ${retryAfter} seconds!`);
      return true;
  onSecondaryRateLimit: (retryAfter, options, octokit) => {
      `SecondaryRateLimit detected for request ${options.method} ${options.url}`

    if (options.request.retryCount === 0) {
      // only retries once`Retrying after ${retryAfter} seconds!`);
      return true;

To opt-out of this feature:

new Octokit({ throttle: { enabled: false } });

Throttling in a cluster is supported using a Redis backend. See @octokit/plugin-throttling Clustering

retry Object

Octokit implements request retries using @octokit/plugin-retry

To opt-out of this feature:

new Octokit({ retry: { enabled: false } });


By default, the Octokit API client supports authentication using a static token.

There are different means of authentication that are supported by GitHub, that are described in detail at octokit/authentication-strategies.js. You can set each of them as the authStrategy constructor option, and pass the strategy options as the auth constructor option.

For example, in order to authenticate as a GitHub App Installation:

import { createAppAuth } from "@octokit/auth-app";
const octokit = new Octokit({
  authStrategy: createAppAuth,
  auth: {
    appId: 1,
    privateKey: "-----BEGIN PRIVATE KEY-----\n...",
    installationId: 123,

// authenticates as app based on request URLs
const {
  data: { slug },
} = await;

// creates an installation access token as needed
// assumes that installationId 123 belongs to @octocat, otherwise the request will fail
  owner: "octocat",
  repo: "hello-world",
  title: "Hello world from " + slug,

You can use the App or OAuthApp SDKs which provide APIs and internal wiring to cover most use cases.

For example, to implement the above using App

const app = new App({ appId, privateKey });
const { data: slug } = await;
const octokit = await app.getInstallationOctokit(123);
  owner: "octocat",
  repo: "hello-world",
  title: "Hello world from " + slug,

Learn more about how authentication strategies work or how to create your own.

Proxy Servers (Node.js only)

By default, the Octokit API client does not make use of the standard proxy server environment variables. To add support for proxy servers you will need to provide an https client that supports them such as undici.ProxyAgent().

For example, this would use a ProxyAgent to make requests through a proxy server:

import { fetch as undiciFetch, ProxyAgent } from 'undici';

const myFetch = (url, options) => {
  return undiciFetch(url, {
    dispatcher: new ProxyAgent(<your_proxy_url>)

const octokit = new Octokit({
  request: {
     fetch: myFetch

If you are writing a module that uses Octokit and is designed to be used by other people, you should ensure that consumers can provide an alternative agent for your Octokit or as a parameter to specific calls such as:

import { fetch as undiciFetch, ProxyAgent } from 'undici';

const myFetch = (url, options) => {
  return undiciFetch(url, {
    dispatcher: new ProxyAgent(<your_proxy_url>)
  request: {
    fetch: myFetch

Fetch missing

If you get the following error:

fetch is not set. Please pass a fetch implementation as new Octokit({ request: { fetch }}).

It probably means you are trying to run Octokit with an unsupported version of NodeJS. Octokit requires Node 18 or higher, which includes a native fetch API.

To bypass this problem you can provide your own fetch implementation (or a built-in version like node-fetch) like this:

import fetch from "node-fetch";

const octokit = new Octokit({
  request: {
    fetch: fetch,


There are two ways of using the GitHub REST API, the* endpoint methods and octokit.request. Both act the same way, the* methods are just added for convenience, they use octokit.request internally.

For example

  owner: "octocat",
  repo: "hello-world",
  title: "Hello, world!",
  body: "I created this issue using Octokit!",

Is the same as

await octokit.request("POST /repos/{owner}/{repo}/issues", {
  owner: "octocat",
  repo: "hello-world",
  title: "Hello, world!",
  body: "I created this issue using Octokit!",

In both cases a given request is authenticated, retried, and throttled transparently by the octokit instance which also manages the accept and user-agent headers as needed.

octokit.request can be used to send requests to other domains by passing a full URL and to send requests to endpoints that are not (yet) documented in GitHub's REST API documentation. endpoint methods

Every GitHub REST API endpoint has an associated endpoint method for better code readability and developer convenience. See @octokit/plugin-rest-endpoint-methods for full details.

Example: Create an issue

  owner: "octocat",
  repo: "hello-world",
  title: "Hello, world!",
  body: "I created this issue using Octokit!",

The endpoint methods are generated automatically from GitHub's OpenAPI specification. We track operation ID and parameter name changes in order to implement deprecation warnings and reduce the frequency of breaking changes.

Under the covers, every endpoint method is just octokit.request with defaults set, so it supports the same parameters as well as the .endpoint() API.


You can call the GitHub REST API directly using octokit.request. The request API matches GitHub's REST API documentation 1:1 so anything you see there, you can call using request. See @octokit/request for all the details.

Example: Create an issue

[![Screenshot of REST API reference documentation for Create an

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