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将GitHub API集成简化为Ruby工具包

Octokit.rb是GitHub API的Ruby客户端库。它封装了API调用,提供简洁接口访问用户、仓库、问题、Pull Request等GitHub功能。支持多种认证方式,包括OAuth令牌和应用程序认证。该库还实现了分页、缓存、自动重试等高级特性,简化了与GitHub集成的应用开发。Octokit.rb设计遵循Ruby惯例,API直观易用。


Note We've recently renamed the 4-stable branch to main. This might affect you if you're making changes to Octokit's code locally. For more details and for the steps to reconfigure your local clone for the new branch name, check out this post.

Ruby toolkit for the GitHub API.


Upgrading? Check the Upgrade Guide before bumping to a new [major version][semver].

Table of Contents

  1. Philosophy
  2. Installation
  3. Making requests
    1. Additional Query Parameters
  4. Consuming resources
  5. Accessing HTTP responses
  6. Handling errors
  7. Authentication
    1. Basic Authentication
    2. OAuth access tokens
    3. Two-Factor Authentication
    4. Using a .netrc file
    5. Application authentication
    6. GitHub App
  8. Default results per_page
  9. Pagination
    1. Auto pagination
  10. Working with GitHub Enterprise
  11. Interacting with the APIs in GitHub Enterprise
  12. Interacting with the GitHub Enterprise Admin APIs
  13. Interacting with the GitHub Enterprise Management Console APIs
  14. SSL Connection Errors
  15. Configuration and defaults
    1. Configuring module defaults
    2. Using ENV variables
    3. Timeouts
  16. Hypermedia agent
    1. Hypermedia in Octokit
    2. URI templates
    3. The Full Hypermedia Experience™
  17. Upgrading guide
    1. Upgrading from 1.x.x
  18. Advanced usage
    1. Debugging
    2. Caching
  19. Hacking on Octokit.rb
    1. Code of Conduct
    2. Running and writing new tests
  20. Supported Ruby Versions
  21. Versioning
  22. Making Repeating Requests
  23. License


API wrappers should reflect the idioms of the language in which they were written. Octokit.rb wraps the GitHub API in a flat API client that follows Ruby conventions and requires little knowledge of REST. Most methods have positional arguments for required input and an options hash for optional parameters, headers, or other options:

client =

# Fetch a README with Accept header for HTML format
client.readme 'al3x/sovereign', :accept => 'application/vnd.github.html'


Install via Rubygems

gem install octokit

... or add to your Gemfile

gem "octokit"

Access the library in Ruby:

require 'octokit'

Making requests

API methods are available as client instance methods.

# Provide authentication credentials
client = => 'personal_access_token')

# You can still use the username/password syntax by replacing the password value with your PAT.
# client = => 'defunkt', :password => 'personal_access_token')

# Fetch the current user

Additional query parameters

When passing additional parameters to GET based request use the following syntax:

 # query: { parameter_name: 'value' }
 # Example: Get repository listing by owner in ascending order
 client.repos({}, query: {type: 'owner', sort: 'asc'})

 # Example: Get contents of a repository by ref
 client.contents('octokit/octokit.rb', path: 'path/to/file.rb', query: {ref: 'some-other-branch'})

Consuming resources

Most methods return a Resource object which provides dot notation and [] access for fields returned in the API response.

client =

# Fetch a user
user = client.user 'jbarnette'
# => "John Barnette"
puts user.fields
# => <Set: {:login, :id, :gravatar_id, :type, :name, :company, :blog, :location, :email, :hireable, :bio, :public_repos, :followers, :following, :created_at, :updated_at, :public_gists}>
puts user[:company]
# => "GitHub"
# => ""

Note: URL fields are culled into a separate .rels collection for easier Hypermedia support.

Accessing HTTP responses

While most methods return a Resource object or a Boolean, sometimes you may need access to the raw HTTP response headers. You can access the last HTTP response with Client#last_response:

user      = client.user 'andrewpthorp'
response  = client.last_response
etag      = response.headers[:etag]

Handling errors

When the API returns an error response, Octokit will raise a Ruby exception.

A range of different exceptions can be raised depending on the error returned by the API - for example:

  • A 400 Bad Request response will lead to an Octokit::BadRequest error
  • A 403 Forbidden error with a "rate limited exceeded" message will lead to a Octokit::TooManyRequests error

All of the different exception classes inherit from Octokit::Error and expose the #response_status, #response_headers and #response_body. For validation errors, #errors will return an Array of Hashes with the detailed information returned by the API.


Octokit supports the various authentication methods supported by the GitHub API:

Basic Authentication

Using your GitHub username and password is the easiest way to get started making authenticated requests:

client = => 'defunkt', :password => 'c0d3b4ssssss!')

user = client.user
# => "defunkt"

While Basic Authentication allows you to get started quickly, OAuth access tokens are the preferred way to authenticate on behalf of users.

OAuth access tokens

OAuth access tokens provide two main benefits over using your username and password:

  • Revocable access. Access tokens can be revoked, removing access for only that token without having to change your password everywhere.
  • Limited access. Access tokens have access scopes which allow for more granular access to API resources. For instance, you can grant a third party access to your gists but not your private repositories.

To use an access token with the Octokit client, pass your token in the :access_token options parameter in lieu of your username and password:

client = => "<your 40 char token>")

user = client.user
# => "defunkt"

You can create access tokens through your GitHub Account Settings.

Two-Factor Authentication

Two-Factor Authentication brings added security to the account by requiring more information to login.

Using two-factor authentication for API calls is as simple as adding the required header as an option:

client = \
  :login    => 'defunkt',
  :password => 'c0d3b4ssssss!'

user = client.user("defunkt", :headers => { "X-GitHub-OTP" => "<your 2FA token>" })

Using a .netrc file

Octokit supports reading credentials from a netrc file (defaulting to ~/.netrc). Given these lines in your netrc:

  login defunkt
  password c0d3b4ssssss!

You can now create a client with those credentials:

client = => true)
# => "defunkt"

But I want to use OAuth you say. Since the GitHub API supports using an OAuth token as a Basic password, you totally can:

  login defunkt
  password <your 40 char token>

Note: Support for netrc requires adding the [netrc gem][] to your Gemfile or .gemspec.

Application authentication

Octokit also supports application-only authentication using OAuth application client credentials. Using application credentials will result in making anonymous API calls on behalf of an application in order to take advantage of the higher rate limit.

client = \
  :client_id     => "<your 20 char id>",
  :client_secret => "<your 40 char secret>"

user = client.user 'defunkt'

GitHub App

Octokit.rb also supports authentication using a GitHub App, which requires a generated JWT token.

client = => "<your jwt token>")
# => about GitHub App info

Default results per_page

Default results from the GitHub API are 30, if you wish to add more you must do so during Octokit configuration. "<your 40 char token>", per_page: 100)


Many GitHub API resources are paginated. While you may be tempted to start adding :page parameters to your calls, the API returns links to the next, previous, and last pages for you in the Link response header as Hypermedia link relations.

issues = client.issues 'rails/rails'
issues.concat client.get(client.last_response.rels[:next].href)

Auto pagination

For smallish resource lists, Octokit provides auto pagination. When this is enabled, calls for paginated resources will fetch and concatenate the results from every page into a single array:

client.auto_paginate = true
issues = client.issues 'rails/rails'

# => 702

You can also enable auto pagination for all Octokit client instances:

Octokit.configure do |c|
  c.auto_paginate = true

Note: While Octokit auto pagination will set the page size to the maximum 100, and seek to not overstep your rate limit, you probably want to use a custom pattern for traversing large lists.

Working with GitHub Enterprise

With a bit of setup, you can also use Octokit with your GitHub Enterprise instance.

Interacting with the APIs in GitHub Enterprise

To interact with the "regular" APIs in GitHub Enterprise, simply configure the api_endpoint to match your hostname. For example:

Octokit.configure do |c|
  c.api_endpoint = "https://<hostname>/api/v3/"

client = => "<your 40 char token>")

Interacting with the GitHub Enterprise Admin APIs

The GitHub Enterprise Admin APIs are under a different client: EnterpriseAdminClient. You'll need to have an administrator account in order to use these APIs.

admin_client =
  :access_token => "<your 40 char token>",
  :api_endpoint => "https://<hostname>/api/v3/"

# or
Octokit.configure do |c|
  c.api_endpoint = "https://<hostname>/api/v3/"
  c.access_token = "<your 40 char token>"

admin_client =

Interacting with the GitHub Enterprise Management Console APIs

The GitHub Enterprise Management Console APIs are also under a separate client: EnterpriseManagementConsoleClient. In order to use it, you'll need to provide both your management console password as well as the endpoint to your management console. This is different from the API endpoint provided above.

management_console_client =
  :management_console_password => "secret",
  :management_console_endpoint = "https://hostname:8633"

# or
Octokit.configure do |c|
  c.management_console_endpoint = "https://hostname:8633"
  c.management_console_password = "secret"

management_console_client =

SSL Connection Errors

You may need to disable SSL temporarily while first setting up your GitHub Enterprise install. You can do that with the following configuration:

client.connection_options[:ssl] = { :verify => false }

Do remember to turn :verify back to true, as it's important for secure communication.

Configuration and defaults

While Octokit::Client accepts a range of options when creating a new client instance, Octokit's configuration API allows you to set your configuration options at the module level. This is particularly handy if you're creating a number of client instances based on some shared defaults. Changing options affects new instances only and will not modify existing Octokit::Client instances created with previous options.

Configuring module defaults

Every writable attribute in {Octokit::Configurable} can be set one at a time:

Octokit.api_endpoint = ''
Octokit.web_endpoint = ''

or in batch:

Octokit.configure do |c|
  c.api_endpoint = ''
  c.web_endpoint = ''

Using ENV variables

Default configuration values are specified in {Octokit::Default}. Many attributes will look for a default value from the ENV before returning Octokit's default.


# => ""

Deprecation warnings and API endpoints in development preview warnings are printed to STDOUT by default, these can be disabled by setting the ENV OCTOKIT_SILENT=true.


By default, Octokit does not timeout network requests. To set a timeout, pass in Faraday timeout settings to Octokit's connection_options setting.

Octokit.configure do |c|
  c.api_endpoint = ENV.fetch('GITHUB_API_ENDPOINT', '')
  c.connection_options = {
    request: {
      open_timeout: 5,
      timeout: 5

You should set a timeout in order to avoid Ruby’s Timeout module, which can hose your server. Here are some resources for more information on this:

Hypermedia agent

Starting in version 2.0, Octokit is [hypermedia][]-enabled. Under the hood, {Octokit::Client} uses [Sawyer][], a hypermedia client built on [Faraday][].

Hypermedia in Octokit

Resources returned by Octokit methods contain not only data but hypermedia link relations:

user = client.user 'technoweenie'

# Get the repos rel, returned from the API
# as repos_url in the resource
# =>
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稿定设计 是一个多功能的在线设计和创意平台,提供广泛的设计工具和资源,以满足不同用户的需求。从专业的图形设计师到普通用户,无论是进行图片处理、智能抠图、H5页面制作还是视频剪辑,稿定设计都能提供简单、高效的解决方案。该平台以其用户友好的界面和强大的功能集合,帮助用户轻松实现创意设计。

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