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Awesome R


A curated list of awesome R packages and tools. Inspired by awesome-machine-learning.

heart for Top 50 CRAN downloaded packages or repos with 400+ star



  • VSCode - vscode-R + vscode-r-lsp VSCode R Langauage Support
  • gt - Easily generate information-rich, publication-quality tables from R
  • lightgbm heart - Light Gradient Boosting Machine.
  • torch - Tensors and Neural Networks with 'GPU' Acceleration.


  • ggforce - ggplot2 extension framework ggforce
  • rayshader - 2D and 3D data visualizations via rgl rayshader
  • vroom - Fast reading of delimited files vroom

Integrated Development Environments

Integrated Development Environment

  • VSCode heart - vscode-R + vscode-r-lsp VSCode R Langauage Support
  • RStudio heart - A powerful and productive user interface for R. Works great on Windows, Mac, and Linux.
  • Emacs + ESS - Emacs Speaks Statistics is an add-on package for emacs text editors.
  • Sublime Text + R-IDE - Add-on package for Sublime Text 2/3.
  • TextMate + r.tmblundle - Add-on package for TextMate 1/2.
  • StatET - An Eclipse based IDE for R.
  • R Commander - A package that provides a basic graphical user interface.
  • IRkernel heart - R kernel for Jupyter.
  • Deducer - A Menu driven data analysis GUI with a spreadsheet like data editor.
  • Radiant - A platform-independent browser-based interface for business analytics in R, based on the Shiny.
  • Nvim-R heart - Neovim plugin for R.
  • Jamovi and JASP - Desktop software for both Bayesian and Frequentist methods, using a UI familiar to SPSS users.
  • Bio7 - An IDE contains tools for model creation, scientific image analysis and statistical analysis for ecological modelling.
  • RTVS - R Tools for Visual Studio.
  • radian heart (formerly rtichoke) - A modern R console with syntax highlighting.
  • RKWard - An extensible IDE/GUI for R.


Packages change the way you use R.

  • magrittr heart - Let's pipe it.
  • pipeR - Multi-paradigm Pipeline Implementation.
  • lambda.r - Functional programming and simple pattern matching in R.
  • purrr - A FP package for R in the spirit of underscore.js.

Data Manipulation

Packages for cooking data.

  • dplyr heart - Fast data frames manipulation and database query.
  • data.table heart - Fast data manipulation in a short and flexible syntax.
  • reshape2 heart - Flexible rearrange, reshape and aggregate data.
  • tidyr - Easily tidy data with spread and gather functions.
  • broom heart - Convert statistical analysis objects into tidy data frames.
  • rlist - A toolbox for non-tabular data manipulation with lists.
  • ff - Data structures designed to store large datasets.
  • lubridate - A set of functions to work with dates and times.
  • stringi heart - ICU based string processing package.
  • stringr heart - Consistent API for string processing, built on top of stringi.
  • bigmemory - Shared memory and memory-mapped matrices. The big* packages provide additional tools including linear models (biglm) and Random Forests (bigrf).
  • fuzzyjoin - Join tables together on inexact matching.
  • tidyverse - Easily install and load packages from the tidyverse.
  • snakecase - Automatically parse and convert strings into cases like snake or camel among others.
  • DataExplorer - Fast exploratory data analysis with minimum code.

Data Formats

Packages for reading and writing data of different formats.

  • arrow heart - An interface to the Arrow C++ library.
  • feather heart - Fast, interoperable binary data frame storage for Python, R, and more powered by Apache Arrow.
  • fst heart - Lightning Fast Serialization of Data Frames for R.
  • haven - Improved methods to import SPSS, Stata and SAS files in R.
  • jsonlite - A robust and quick way to parse JSON files in R.
  • qs - Quick serialization of R objects.
  • readxl heart - Read excel files (.xls and .xlsx) into R.
  • readr heart - A fast and friendly way to read tabular data into R.
  • rio - A Swiss-Army Knife for Data I/O.
  • readODS - Read OpenDocument Spreadsheets into R as data.frames.
  • RcppTOML - Rcpp Bindings to C++ parser for TOML files.
  • vroom - Fast reading of delimited files.
  • writexl - Portable, light-weight data frame to xlsx exporter for R.
  • yaml - R package for converting objects to and from YAML.

Graphic Displays

Packages for showing data.

  • ggplot2 heart - An implementation of the Grammar of Graphics.
  • ggfortify - A unified interface to ggplot2 popular statistical packages using one line of code.
  • ggrepel - Repel overlapping text labels away from each other.
  • ggalt - Extra Coordinate Systems, Geoms and Statistical Transformations for ggplot2.
  • ggstatsplot - ggplot2 Based Plots with Statistical Details
  • ggtree - Visualization and annotation of phylogenetic tree.
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