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Near Zero CVE images availabe at
As of 7/2024 community-images will be gated. Please register for free at to access these images
Getting started · Supported containers · Contributing · Build Process · Additional resources
RapidFort is a solution for building secure, optimized Docker containers.
Every day, we scan the most popular Docker Hub container images and remove unused code. Then we publish the results to share with you.
Our container optimization process reduces the software attack surface and the chance of a vulnerability exploit.
Stop downloading container images with thousands of vulnerabilities. Start using secure containers with minimized attack surfaces.
Getting Started
[RapidFort][rf-link-getting-started] scans your Docker containers for vulnerabilities and looks for unused components that can be removed.
What containers are supported?
We’ve optimized and hardened some of the most popular container images on Docker Hub and are making them available to the community.