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LoRaWAN 数据编解码库,简化物联网通信

lora-serialization 是一个开源的 LoRaWAN 数据编解码库,专为 The Things Network 设计。该库支持 Arduino 设备和 TTN 平台间的数据转换,包括时间戳、GPS 坐标、温度等多种类型。通过提供全面的单元测试和便捷的 LoraMessage 类,它显著简化了物联网应用的数据处理过程,提高了开发效率。适用于需要可靠数据传输的各类 LoRaWAN 项目。

LoRaWAN serialization/deserialization library for The Things Network

Build Status Coverage Status semantic-release

This fully unit-tested library allows you to encode your data on the Arduino side and decode it on the TTN side. It provides both a C-based encoder and a JavaScript-based decoder.

Since version 2.2.0 there is also an encoder for the TTN side.

In short

Encoding on Arduino, decoding in TTN

Arduino side:

#include "LoraMessage.h"

LoraMessage message;

    .addLatLng(-33.905052, 151.26641);

lora_send_bytes(message.getBytes(), message.getLength());
delete message;

TTN side:

function decodeUplink(input)
    // decoder function according to
    // input has the following structure:
    // {
    //   "bytes": [1, 2, 3], // FRMPayload (byte array)
    //   "fPort": 1
    // }
    var data = decode(input.bytes, [unixtime, latLng], ['time', 'coords']);
    return {data:data}

// include content from src/decoder.js:
var bytesToInt = function(bytes) {
  var i = 0;
  for (var x = 0; x < bytes.length; x++) {
    i |= +(bytes[x] << (x * 8));
  return i;

Encoding in TTN

TTN side:

// include src/encoder.js
var bytes = encode([timestamp, [latitude, longitude]], [unixtime, latLng]);
// bytes is of type Buffer

With the convenience class

// include src/encoder.js
// include src/LoraMessage.js
var bytes = new LoraMessage(encoder)
    .addLatLng(-33.905052, 151.26641)
    .addBitmap(true, true, false, true)
// bytes = <Buffer 1d 4b 7a 57 64 a6 fa fd 6a 24 04 09 d0>

and then decoding as usual:

var result = decoder.decode(
    [decoder.unixtime, decoder.latLng, decoder.bitmap],
    ['time', 'coords', 'heaters']
// result =
// { time: 1467632413,
//  coords: [ -33.905052, 151.26641 ],
//  heaters:
//   { a: true,
//     b: true,
//     c: false,
//     d: true,
//     e: false,
//     f: false,
//     g: false,
//     h: false } }

General Usage

Unix time (4 bytes)

Serializes/deserializes a unix time (seconds)

#include "LoraEncoder.h"

byte buffer[4];
LoraEncoder encoder(buffer);
// buffer == {0x1d, 0x4b, 0x7a, 0x57}

and then in the TTN frontend, use the following method:

unixtime(input.bytes.slice(x, x + 4)) // 1467632413

GPS coordinates (8 bytes)

Serializes/deserializes coordinates (latitude/longitude) with a precision of 6 decimals.

#include "LoraEncoder.h"

byte buffer[8];
LoraEncoder encoder(buffer);
encoder.writeLatLng(-33.905052, 151.26641);
// buffer == {0x64, 0xa6, 0xfa, 0xfd, 0x6a, 0x24, 0x04, 0x09}

and then in the TTN frontend, use the following method:

latLng(input.bytes.slice(x, x + 8)) // [-33.905052, 151.26641]

Unsigned 8bit Integer (1 byte)

Serializes/deserializes an unsigned 8bit integer.

#include "LoraEncoder.h"

byte buffer[1];
LoraEncoder encoder(buffer);
uint8_t i = 10;
// buffer == {0x0A}

and then in the TTN frontend, use the following method:

uint8(input.bytes.slice(x, x + 1)) // 10

Unsigned 16bit Integer (2 bytes)

Serializes/deserializes an unsigned 16bit integer.

#include "LoraEncoder.h"

byte buffer[2];
LoraEncoder encoder(buffer);
uint16_t i = 23453;
// buffer == {0x9d, 0x5b}

and then in the TTN frontend, use the following method:

uint16(input.bytes.slice(x, x + 2)) // 23453

Unsigned 32bit Integer (4 bytes)

Serializes/deserializes an unsigned 32bit integer.

#include "LoraEncoder.h"

byte buffer[4];
LoraEncoder encoder(buffer);
uint32_t i = 2864434397;
// buffer == {0xdd, 0xcc, 0xbb, 0xaa}

and then in the TTN frontend, use the following method:

uint32(input.bytes.slice(x, x + 4)) // 2864434397

Temperature (2 bytes)

Serializes/deserializes a temperature reading between -327.68 and +327.67 (inclusive) with a precision of 2 decimals.

#include "LoraEncoder.h"

byte buffer[2];
LoraEncoder encoder(buffer);
// buffer == {0xcf, 0xc7}

and then in the TTN frontend, use the following method:

temperature(input.bytes.slice(x, x + 2)) // -123.45

Humidity (2 bytes)

Serializes/deserializes a humidity reading between 0 and 100 (inclusive) with a precision of 2 decimals.

#include "LoraEncoder.h"

byte buffer[2];
LoraEncoder encoder(buffer);
// buffer == {0x0f, 0x27}

and then in the TTN frontend, use the following method:

humidity(input.bytes.slice(x, x + 2)) // 99.99

Full float (4 bytes)

Serializes/deserializes a full 4-byte float.

#include "LoraEncoder.h"

byte buffer[4];
LoraEncoder encoder(buffer);
// buffer == {0xe1, 0xfa, 0xc7, 0x42}

and then in the TTN frontend, use the following method:

rawfloat(input.bytes.slice(x, x + 4)) // 99.99

Bitmap (1 byte)

Serializes/deserializes a bitmap containing between 0 and 8 different flags.

#include "LoraEncoder.h"

byte buffer[1];
LoraEncoder encoder(buffer);
encoder.writeBitmap(true, false, false, false, false, false, false, false);
// buffer == {0x80}

and then in the TTN frontend, use the following method:

bitmap(input.bytes.slice(x, x + 1)) // { a: true, b: false, c: false, d: false, e: false, f: false, g: false, h: false }


On the Arduino side

The decoder allows you to write more than one value to a byte array:

#include "LoraEncoder.h"

byte buffer[19];
LoraEncoder encoder(buffer);

encoder.writeLatLng(-33.905052, 151.26641);
encoder.writeBitmap(true, false, false, false, false, false, false, false);
/* buffer == {
    0x1d, 0x4b, 0x7a, 0x57, // Unixtime
    0x64, 0xa6, 0xfa, 0xfd, 0x6a, 0x24, 0x04, 0x09, // latitude,longitude
    0x0A, // Uint8
    0x9d, 0x5b, // Uint16
    0xdd, 0xcc, 0xbb, 0xaa, // Uint32
    0x1f, 0x4c, // temperature
    0x0f, 0x27, // humidity
    0xe1, 0xfa, 0xc7, 0x42, // 4-byte float
    0x80 // bitmap

Convenience class LoraMessage

There is a convenience class that represents a LoraMessage that you can add readings to:

#include "LoraMessage.h"

LoraMessage message;

    .addLatLng(-33.905052, 151.26641)
    .addBitmap(false, false, false, false, false, false, true, false);

send(message.getBytes(), message.getLength());
getBytes() == {
    0x1d, 0x4b, 0x7a, 0x57, // Unixtime
    0x64, 0xa6, 0xfa, 0xfd, 0x6a, 0x24, 0x04, 0x09, // latitude,longitude
    0x0A, // Uint8
    0x9d, 0x5b, // Uint16
    0xdd, 0xcc, 0xbb, 0xaa, // Uint32
    0x1f, 0x4c, // temperature
    0x0f, 0x27, // humidity
    0xe1, 0xfa, 0xc7, 0x42, // 4-byte float
    0xfd // Bitmap
getLength() == 28

Composition in the TTN decoder frontend with the decode method

The decode method allows you to specify a mask for the incoming byte buffer (that was generated by this library) and apply decoding functions accordingly.

decode(byte Array, mask Array [,mapping Array])


Paste everything from src/decoder.js into the decoder method and use like this:

function (bytes) {
    // code from src/decoder.js here
    return decode(bytes, [latLng, unixtime], ['coords', 'time']);

This maps the incoming byte buffer of 12 bytes to a sequence of one latLng (8 bytes) and one unixtime (4 bytes) sequence and maps the first one to a key coords and the second to a key time.

You can use: 64 A6 FA FD 6A 24 04 09 1D 4B 7A 57 for testing, and it will result in:

  "coords": [
  "time": 1467632413
Example decoder in the TTN console

Set up your decoder in the console: TTN console decoder example

Example converter in the TTN console

The decode method already does most of the necessary transformations, so in most cases you can just pass the data through: TTN console converter example


  • Install the dependencies via yarn
  • Run the unit tests (C) via yarn run test:c
  • Run the unit tests (JavaScript) via yarn test
  • Check the coverage (JavaScript) via yarn coverage (see coverage/lcov-report)

The CI will kick off once you create a pull request

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