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📖 Reference - Cheat Sheets for Developers

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Reference is a collection of cheat sheets contributed by open source angels. It shares a quick reference cheat sheet for developers in a nice layout. [ 中文版 | ... ]

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📚 Cheat Sheets List

Reference provides cheat sheets for the following:

  • Perl: The perl quick reference cheat sheet that aims at providing help on writing basic syntax and methods.
  • Kubernetes: This page contains a list of commonly used kubectl commands and flags.
  • ES6: A quick reference cheat sheet of what's new in JavaScript for ES2015, ES2016, ES2017, ES2018 and beyond
  • MATLAB: This quick reference cheat sheet provides an example introduction to using the MATLAB scientific computing language to get started quickly
  • C: C quick reference cheat sheet that provides basic syntax and methods.
  • INI: This is a quick reference cheat sheet for understanding and writing INI-format configuration files.
  • LaTeX: This cheat sheet summarizes a reference list of LaTeX commonly used display math notation and some application examples of KaTeX.
  • Rust: The Rust quick reference cheat sheet that aims at providing help on writing basic syntax and methods.
  • C#: C# quick reference cheat sheet that provides basic syntax and methods.
  • Laravel: Laravel is an expressive and progressive web application framework for PHP. This cheat sheet provides a reference for common commands and features for Laravel 8.
  • Dart: A Dart cheat sheet with the most important concepts, functions, methods, and more. A complete quick reference for beginners.
  • JSON: This is a quick reference cheat sheet for understanding and writing JSON format configuration files.
  • Hook: The Hook cheat sheet is a one-page reference sheet for the Hook programming language.
  • HTML: This HTML quick reference cheat sheet lists the common HTML and HTML5 tags in readable layout.
  • GraphQL: This quick reference cheat sheet provides a brief overview of GraphQL.
  • C++: C++ quick reference cheat sheet that provides basic syntax and methods.
  • Java: This cheat sheet is a crash course for Java beginners and help review the basic syntax of the Java language.
  • PHP: This PHP cheat sheet provides a reference for quickly looking up the correct syntax for the code you use most frequently.
  • Docker: This is a quick reference cheat sheet for Docker. And you can find the most common Docker commands here.
  • TOML: This is a quick reference cheat sheet to the TOML format configuration file syntax.
  • YAML: This is a quick reference cheat sheet for understanding and writing YAML format configuration files.
  • CSS 3: This is a quick reference cheat sheet for CSS goodness, listing selector syntax, properties, units and other useful bits of information.
  • jQuery: This jQuery cheat sheet is a great reference for both beginners and experienced developers.
  • JavaScript: A JavaScript cheat sheet with the most important concepts, functions, methods, and more. A complete quick reference for beginners.
  • Python: The Python cheat sheet is a one-page reference sheet for the Python 3 programming language.
  • Sass: This is a quick reference cheat sheet that lists the most useful features of SASS.
  • Go: This cheat sheet provided basic syntax and methods to help you using Go.
  • Markdown: This is a quick reference cheat sheet to the Markdown syntax.
  • Bash: This is a quick reference cheat sheet to getting started with Linux bash shell scripting.
  • ChatGPT: This cheat sheet lists out prompts and tips from all over the world on how to use ChatGPT effectively
  • VSCode: This VSCode (Visual Studio Code) quick reference cheat sheet shows its keyboard shortcuts and commands.
  • Mitmproxy: Mitmproxy is a free and open source interactive HTTPS proxy. This is a quick reference cheat sheet to the Mitmproxy.
  • XPath: This is an XPath selectors cheat sheet, which lists commonly used XPath positioning methods and CSS selectors
  • Emacs: Emacs is the extensible, customizable, self-documenting real time display text editor. This reference was made for Emacs 27.
  • Emmet: Emmet is a web-developer’s toolkit for boosting HTML & CSS code writing, which allows you to write large HTML code blocks at speed of light using well-known CSS selectors.
  • RegEX: A quick reference for regular expressions (regex), including symbols, ranges, grouping, assertions and some sample patterns to get you started.
  • Vim: A useful collection of Vim 8.2 quick reference cheat sheets to help you learn vim editor faster.
Linux Command
  • Curl: This Curl cheat sheet contains commands and examples of some common Curl tricks.
  • PM2: [PM2] is a daemon process manager that will help you manage and keep your application online. Getting started with PM2 is straightforward, it is offered as a simple and intuitive CLI.
  • Chmod: This quick reference cheat sheet provides a brief overview of file permissions, and the operation of the chmod command
  • Tmux: The tmux cheat sheet quick reference of most commonly used shortcuts and commands
  • Lsof: This quick reference cheat sheet provides various for using lsof command.
  • SSH: This quick reference cheat sheet provides various for using SSH.
  • Netstat: This quick reference cheat sheet provides various for using netstat command.
  • Screen: This is a quick reference guide cheat sheet for the screen command.
  • Awk: This is a one page quick reference cheat sheet to the GNU awk, which covers commonly used awk expressions and commands.
  • Find: This is a quick reference list of cheat sheet for Linux find command, contains common options and examples.
  • Sed: Sed is a stream editor, this sed cheat sheet contains sed commands and some common sed tricks.
  • Cron: Cron is most suitable for scheduling repetitive tasks. Scheduling one-time tasks can be accomplished using the associated at utility.
  • Git: This cheat sheet summarizes commonly used Git command line instructions for quick reference.
  • Grep: This cheat sheet is intended to be a quick reminder for the main concepts involved in using the command line program grep and assumes you already understand its usage.
  • Netcat: This cheat sheet provides various for using netcat on both Linux and Unix.
  • Taskset: This quick reference cheat sheet for tasket command.
  • NumPy: NumPy is the fundamental package for scientific computing with Python. This cheat sheet is a quick reference for NumPy beginners.
  • Neo4j: A Neo4j cheat sheet with getting started resources and information on how to query the database with Cypher.
  • PostgreSQL: The PostgreSQL cheat sheet provides you with the common PostgreSQL commands and statements.
  • Redis: This is a Redis quick reference cheat sheet that lists examples of redis commands
  • MySQL: The SQL cheat sheet provides you with the most commonly used SQL statements for your reference.
Keyboard Shortcuts
  • Adobe Photoshop: A visual cheat-sheet for the 283 keyboard shortcuts found in Adobe Photoshop
  • Apex Legends: A visual cheat-sheet for the 27 default keyboard shortcuts found in Apex Legends
  • Figma: A visual cheat-sheet for the 119 keyboard shortcuts found in Figma
  • Microsoft Teams: A visual cheat-sheet for the 38 keyboard shortcuts found in Microsoft Teams
  • TablePlus: A visual cheat-sheet for the 34 keyboard shortcuts found in TablePlus
  • Bear: A visual cheat-sheet for the 66 keyboard shortcuts found in Bear. This application is MacOS-only.
  • Feedly: A visual cheat-sheet for the 25 keyboard shortcuts found on the Feedly app
  • FileZilla: A visual cheat-sheet for the 30 keyboard shortcuts found on the FileZilla program
  • Reddit: A visual cheat-sheet for the 17 keyboard shortcuts found on
  • Slack: A visual cheat-sheet for the 62 keyboard shortcuts found in Slack
  • SoundCloud: A visual cheat-sheet for the 22 keyboard shortcuts found on SoundCloud
  • Twitter: A visual cheat-sheet for the 26 keyboard shortcuts found on Twitter
  • Android Studio: A visual cheat-sheet for the 130 keyboard shortcuts found in the Android Studio software
  • Github: A visual cheat-sheet for the 80 keyboard shortcuts found on
  • Shopify: A visual cheat-sheet for the 50 keyboard shortcuts found on the Shopify website
  • Zoom: A visual cheat-sheet for the 32 keyboard shortcuts found in Zoom. These shortcuts are for MacOS, for Windows visit /zoom-windows.
  • Adobe XD: A visual cheat-sheet for the 97 keyboard shortcuts found in Adobe XD
  • Firefox: A visual cheat-sheet for the 116 keyboard shortcuts found in Firefox
  • PhpStorm: A visual cheat-sheet for the 96 keyboard shortcuts found in JetBrains PhpStorm
  • Postman: A visual cheat-sheet for the 23 keyboard shortcuts found in Postman
  • Webflow: A visual cheat-sheet for the 41 keyboard shortcuts found in Webflow
  • Adobe Lightroom CC: A visual cheat-sheet for the 251 keyboard shortcuts found in Adobe Lightroom CC
  • 1Password: A cheat sheet for 1password's keyboard shortcuts in Mac, Windows, iOS, Linux.
  • Affinity Designer: A visual cheat-sheet for the 108 keyboard shortcuts found in Affinity Designer
  • Pocket: A visual cheat-sheet for the 36 keyboard shortcuts found on Pocket for Web
  • Trello: A visual cheat-sheet for the 29 keyboard shortcuts found on Trello
  • Audacity: A visual cheat-sheet for the 135 default keyboard shortcuts found in Audacity
  • Framer X: A visual cheat-sheet for the 45 keyboard shortcuts found in Framer X. This application is MacOS-only.
  • Google Drive: A visual cheat-sheet for the 54 keyboard shortcuts found in Google Drive on the web
  • PuTTy: A visual cheat-sheet for the 32 keyboard shortcuts found on the PuTTy app
  • Sequel Pro: A visual cheat-sheet for the 71 keyboard shortcuts found in Sequel Pro. This application is MacOS-only.
  • Apple Music: A visual cheat-sheet for the 62 keyboard shortcuts found in the Apple Music app. This application is MacOS-only.
  • Blender: A visual cheat-sheet for the 187 keyboard shortcuts found in Blender
  • Obsidian: A visual cheat-sheet for the 17 keyboard shortcuts found in the Obsidian knowledge base app.
  • Telegram Desktop: A visual cheat-sheet for the 37 keyboard shortcuts found on the Telegram Desktop app
  • YouTube: A visual cheat-sheet for the 18 keyboard shortcuts found on
  • Airtable: A visual cheat-sheet for the 36 keyboard shortcuts found in Airtable
  • Bitbucket: A visual cheat-sheet for the 35 keyboard shortcuts found on Bitbucket
  • Fortnite: A visual cheat-sheet for the 26 default keyboard shortcuts found in Fortnite
  • Gmail: A visual cheat-sheet for the 90 keyboard shortcuts found on Gmail
  • Sketch: A visual cheat-sheet for the 149 keyboard shortcuts found in Sketch.
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