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高性能React渲染器 助力Notion内容展示


React Notion X

React Notion X

Fast and accurate React renderer for Notion. TS batteries included. ⚡️

NPM Build Status Prettier Code Formatting NPM



If you just want to publish a website using Notion, then we highly recommend using — a hosted solution with great perf that takes care of all the details for you.

If you want more control over your website via React, then we recommend checking out the accompanying Next.js starter kit, which is free and uses react-notion-x under the hood.

And if you want even more control, then you're in the right place! 👇👇


  • 🚀 Simple - TypeScript + React
  • Fast - 10-100x faster than Notion
    • 95-100% Lighthouse scores
    • Heavier components can be loaded lazily via next/dynamic
  • 💯 Tests - Comes with a comprehensive test suite covering most of Notion's functionality
  • 🔥 Solid - Used in production by Potion and thousands of websites
  • 💪 Smooth - Supports next/image along with LQIP preview images (demo)
  • Framework agnostic - Use with next.js, create-react-app, gatsby, etc


First you'll want to fetch the content for a Notion page:

import { NotionAPI } from 'notion-client'

const notion = new NotionAPI()

const recordMap = await notion.getPage('067dd719a912471ea9a3ac10710e7fdf')

Once you have the data for a Notion page, you can render it via React:

import * as React from 'react'
import { NotionRenderer } from 'react-notion-x'

export default ({ recordMap }) => (
  <NotionRenderer recordMap={recordMap} fullPage={true} darkMode={false} />

Note: for heavier blocks, you'll have to opt into using them via NotionRenderer.components. These are not included in the default NotionRenderer export because they're too heavyweight for many use cases.


You'll need to import some CSS styles as well. If you're using Next.js, we recommend you place these imports at the top of pages/_app.js:

// core styles shared by all of react-notion-x (required)
import 'react-notion-x/src/styles.css'

// used for code syntax highlighting (optional)
import 'prismjs/themes/prism-tomorrow.css'

// used for rendering equations (optional)
import 'katex/dist/katex.min.css'

Optional Components

The default imports from react-notion-x strive to be as lightweight as possible. Most blocks will render just fine, but some larger blocks like PDFs and collection views (database views) are not included by default.

To use them, you'll need to import the ones you want from react-notion-x/build/third-party/*:

import { Code } from 'react-notion-x/build/third-party/code'
import { Collection } from 'react-notion-x/build/third-party/collection'
import { Equation } from 'react-notion-x/build/third-party/equation'
import { Modal } from 'react-notion-x/build/third-party/modal'
import { Pdf } from 'react-notion-x/build/third-party/pdf'

Note that we strongly recommend lazy-loading these components unless you know you'll need them up front for your use case.

If you're using Next.js, you can use next/dynamic to lazily load them. If your notion content doesn't use one of these heavyweight components, then it won't get loaded into your page. This keeps the initial page bundle small and your website feeling snappy.

import dynamic from 'next/dynamic'

const Code = dynamic(() =>
  import('react-notion-x/build/third-party/code').then((m) => m.Code)
const Collection = dynamic(() =>
    (m) => m.Collection
const Equation = dynamic(() =>
  import('react-notion-x/build/third-party/equation').then((m) => m.Equation)
const Pdf = dynamic(
  () => import('react-notion-x/build/third-party/pdf').then((m) => m.Pdf),
    ssr: false
const Modal = dynamic(
  () => import('react-notion-x/build/third-party/modal').then((m) => m.Modal),
    ssr: false

You'll need to enable them by passing them to the components prop of NotionRenderer.

export default ({ recordMap }) => (

The Code component uses Prism under the hood. It comes bundled with support for JavaScript, TypeScript, and CSS by default. To add support for additional language syntaxes, follow the example in components/NotionPage.tsx which lazily loads Prism components at runtime.

For Equation support, you'll need to import the katex CSS styles.

For each of these optional components, make sure you're also importing the relevant third-party CSS if needed (above).

Private Pages

You may optionally pass an authToken and activeUser to the API if you want to access private Notion pages. Both can be retrieved from your web browser. Once you are viewing your workpace, open your Development Tools > Application > Cookie > and Copy the token_v2 and notion_user_id. Respectively, activeUser: notion_user_id, authToken: token_v2.

We recommend storing these as environment variables and passing them into the NotionAPI constructor as follows:

const notion = new NotionAPI({
  activeUser: process.env.NOTION_ACTIVE_USER,
  authToken: process.env.NOTION_TOKEN_V2

Note that this is not the same as the API token provided by the official Notion API since notion-client uses the unofficial Notion API (which is what all Notion apps use).

Next.js Examples

Here's a minimal Next.js example project with the most important code in pages/[pageId].tsx and components/NotionPage.tsx. You can view this example live on Vercel.

Here's a more full-featured Next.js example project with the most important code in pages/[pageId].tsx and components/NotionPage.tsx. You can view this example live on Vercel.

The full-featured demo adds a few nice features:

  • Uses next/image to serve optimal images
  • Uses preview images generated via lqip-modern
  • Lazily bundles larger optional components via next/dynamic
    • Code
    • Equation
    • Pdf
    • Modal
    • Collection (e.g., notion databases including table and gallery views)

For a production example, check out the Next.js Notion Starter Kit, which uses react-notion-x under the hood.


react-notion-xNPMBrowser + SSRFast React renderer for Notion.
notion-clientNPMServer-side*Robust TypeScript client for the Notion API.
notion-typesNPMUniversalCore Notion TypeScript types.
notion-utilsNPMUniversalUseful utilities for working with Notion data.

* Notion's API should not be called from client-side browsers due to CORS restrictions. notion-client is compatible with Node.js and Deno.

Supported Blocks

The majority of Notion blocks and collection views are fully supported.

Block TypeSupportedBlock Type EnumNotes
Page✅ Yespage
Text✅ YestextSupports all known text formatting options
Bookmark✅ YesbookmarkEmbedded preview of external URL
Bulleted List✅ Yesbulleted_list<ul>
Numbered List✅ Yesnumbered_list<ol>
Heading 1✅ Yesheader<h1>
Heading 2✅ Yessub_header<h2>
Heading 3✅ Yessub_sub_header<h3>
Quote✅ Yesquote
Callout✅ Yescallout
Equation (block)✅ Yesequationkatex via react-katex
Equation (inline)✅ Yestextkatex via react-katex
Todos (checkboxes)✅ Yesto_do
Table Of Contents✅ Yestable_of_contentsSee notion-utils getPageTableOfContents helper funtion
Divider✅ YesdividerHorizontal line
Column✅ Yescolumn
Column List✅ Yescolumn_list
Toggle✅ Yestoggle<details>
Image✅ Yesimage<img>
Embed✅ YesembedGeneric iframe embeds
Video✅ Yesvideoiframe
Figma✅ Yesfigmaiframe
Google Maps✅ Yesmapsiframe
Google Drive✅ YesdriveGoogle Docs, Sheets, etc custom embed
Tweet✅ YestweetUses the twitter embedding SDK
PDF✅ YespdfUses S3 signed URLs and react-pdf
Audio✅ YesaudioUses S3 signed URLs and HTML5 audio element
File✅ YesfileUses S3 signed URLs (generic downloadable file)
Link✅ YestextExternal links
Page Link✅ YespageLink to a notion page in the same workspace
External Page Link✅ YestextLinks to a notion page or collection view in another workspace
Code (block)✅ YescodeBlock code syntax highlighting via prismjs
Code (inline)✅ YestextInline code formatting (no syntax highlighting)
Collections✅ YesAlso known as databases
Collection View✅ Yescollection_viewCollections have a 1:N mapping to collection views
Collection View Table✅ Yescollection_viewtype = "table" (default table view)
Collection View Gallery✅ Yescollection_viewtype = "gallery" (grid view)
Collection View Board✅ Yescollection_viewtype = "board" (kanban view)
Collection View List✅ Yescollection_viewtype = "list" (vertical list view)
Collection View Calendar❌ Missingcollection_viewtype = "calendar" (embedded calendar view)
Collection View Page✅ Yescollection_view_pageCollection view as a standalone page

Please let us know if you find any issues or missing blocks.

All known blocks and most known configuration settings can be found in our test suite.


Google Lighthouse Scores
Google Lighthouse scores for an example page rendered by `react-notion-x` on Vercel.


Out of the box, react-notion-x is pretty fast and relatively lightweight, but there are a few key factors to be aware of.

Bundlephobia reports a ~27kb gzip bundle size for the main react-notion-x bundle. This doesn't include the optional third-party components which we recommend lazy loading via next/dynamic only if a page needs them.

Another major factor for perf comes from images hosted by Notion. They're generally unoptimized, improperly sized, and not cacheable because Notion has to deal with fine-grained access control that users can change at any time. You can

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