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VS Code的Vim模拟器 提升编码效率和灵活性

VSCodeVim是VS Code的Vim模拟插件,为编辑器引入Vim的核心功能。支持多种Vim模式、自定义键绑定和常用Vim插件。开发者可配置Neovim集成,享受经典Vim编辑体验。通过模仿Vim的操作方式,VSCodeVim在现代IDE中提升了代码编辑的效率和灵活性。


Vim emulation for Visual Studio Code

VSCodeVim is a Vim emulator for Visual Studio Code.

  • 🚚 For a full list of supported Vim features, please refer to our roadmap.
  • 📃 Our change log outlines the breaking/major/minor updates between releases.
  • Report missing features/bugs on GitHub.
Table of Contents (click to expand)

💾 Installation

VSCodeVim can be installed via the VS Code Marketplace.


To enable key-repeating, execute the following in your Terminal, log out and back in, and then restart VS Code:

defaults write ApplePressAndHoldEnabled -bool false              # For VS Code
defaults write ApplePressAndHoldEnabled -bool false      # For VS Code Insider
defaults write com.vscodium ApplePressAndHoldEnabled -bool false                      # For VS Codium
defaults write ApplePressAndHoldEnabled -bool false   # For VS Codium Exploration users
defaults delete -g ApplePressAndHoldEnabled                                           # If necessary, reset global default

We also recommend increasing Key Repeat and Delay Until Repeat settings in System Preferences -> Keyboard.


Like real vim, VSCodeVim will take over your control keys. This behavior can be adjusted with the useCtrlKeys and handleKeys settings.

⚙️ Settings

The settings documented here are a subset of the supported settings; the full list is described in the Contributions tab of VSCodeVim's extension details page, which can be found in the extensions view of VS Code.

Quick Example

Below is an example of a settings.json file with settings relevant to VSCodeVim:

  "vim.easymotion": true,
  "vim.incsearch": true,
  "vim.useSystemClipboard": true,
  "vim.useCtrlKeys": true,
  "vim.hlsearch": true,
  "vim.insertModeKeyBindings": [
      "before": ["j", "j"],
      "after": ["<Esc>"]
  "vim.normalModeKeyBindingsNonRecursive": [
      "before": ["<leader>", "d"],
      "after": ["d", "d"]
      "before": ["<C-n>"],
      "commands": [":nohl"]
      "before": ["K"],
      "commands": ["lineBreakInsert"],
      "silent": true
  "vim.leader": "<space>",
  "vim.handleKeys": {
    "<C-a>": false,
    "<C-f>": false

  "// To improve performance",
  "extensions.experimental.affinity": {
    "vscodevim.vim": 1

VSCodeVim settings

These settings are specific to VSCodeVim.

SettingDescriptionTypeDefault Value
vim.changeWordIncludesWhitespaceInclude trailing whitespace when changing word. This configures the cw action to act consistently as its siblings (yw and dw) instead of acting as ce.Booleanfalse
vim.cursorStylePerMode.{Mode}Configure a specific cursor style for {Mode}. Omitted modes will use default cursor type Supported cursors: line, block, underline, line-thin, block-outline, and underline-thin.StringNone
vim.digraphs.{shorthand}Set custom digraph shorthands that can override the default ones. Entries should map a two-character shorthand to a descriptive string and one or more UTF16 code points. Example: "R!": ["🚀", [55357, 56960]]Object{"R!": ["🚀", [0xD83D, 0xDE80]]
vim.disableExtensionDisable VSCodeVim extension. This setting can also be toggled using toggleVim command in the Command PaletteBooleanfalse
vim.handleKeysDelegate configured keys to be handled by VS Code instead of by the VSCodeVim extension. Any key in keybindings section of the package.json that has a vim.use<C-...> in the when argument can be delegated back to VS Code by setting "<C-...>": false. Example: to use ctrl+f for find (native VS Code behavior): "vim.handleKeys": { "<C-f>": false }.String"<C-d>": true
"<C-s>": false
"<C-z>": false
vim.overrideCopyOverride VS Code's copy command with our own, which works correctly with VSCodeVim. If cmd-c/ctrl-c is giving you issues, set this to false and complain here.Booleanfalse
vim.useSystemClipboardUse the system clipboard register (*) as the default registerBooleanfalse
vim.searchHighlightColorBackground color of non-current search matchesStringfindMatchHighlightBackground ThemeColor
vim.searchHighlightTextColorForeground color of non-current search matchesStringNone
vim.searchMatchColorBackground color of current search matchStringfindMatchBackground ThemeColor
vim.searchMatchTextColorForeground color of current search matchStringNone
vim.substitutionColorBackground color of substitution text when vim.inccommand is enabledString"#50f01080"
vim.substitutionTextColorForeground color of substitution text when vim.inccommand is enabledStringNone
vim.startInInsertModeStart in Insert mode instead of Normal ModeBooleanfalse
vim.useCtrlKeysEnable Vim ctrl keys overriding common VS Code operations such as copy, paste, find, etc.Booleantrue
vim.visualstarIn visual mode, start a search with * or # using the current selectionBooleanfalse
vim.highlightedyank.enableEnable highlighting when yankingBooleanfalse
vim.highlightedyank.colorSet the color of yank highlightsStringrgba(250, 240, 170, 0.5)
vim.highlightedyank.durationSet the duration of yank highlightsNumber200

Neovim Integration

:warning: Experimental feature. Please leave feedback on neovim integration here.

To leverage neovim for Ex-commands,

  1. Install neovim
  2. Modify the following configurations:
SettingDescriptionTypeDefault Value
vim.enableNeovimEnable NeovimBooleanfalse
vim.neovimPathFull path to neovim executable. If left empty, PATH environment variable will be automatically checked for neovim path.String
vim.neovimUseConfigFileIf true, Neovim will load a config file specified by vim.neovimConfigPath. This is necessary if you want Neovim to be able to use its own plugins.Booleanfalse
vim.neovimConfigPathPath that Neovim will load as config file. If left blank, Neovim will search in its default location.String

Here's some ideas on what you can do with neovim integration:

Key Remapping

Custom remappings are defined on a per-mode basis.


  • Keybinding overrides to use for insert, normal, operatorPending and visual modes.
  • Keybinding overrides can include "before", "after", "commands", and "silent".
  • Bind jj to <Esc> in insert mode:
    "vim.insertModeKeyBindings": [
            "before": ["j", "j"],
            "after": ["<Esc>"]
  • Bind £ to goto previous whole word under cursor:
    "vim.normalModeKeyBindings": [
            "before": ["£"],
            "after": ["#"]
  • Bind : to show the command palette, and don't show the message on the status bar:
    "vim.normalModeKeyBindings": [
            "before": [":"],
            "commands": [
            "silent": true
  • Bind <leader>m to add a bookmark and <leader>b to open the list of all bookmarks (using the Bookmarks extension):
    "vim.normalModeKeyBindings": [
            "before": ["<leader>", "m"],
            "commands": [
            "before": ["<leader>", "b"],
            "commands": [
  • Bind ctrl+n to turn off search highlighting and <leader>w to save the current file:
    "vim.normalModeKeyBindings": [
            "commands": [
            "before": ["leader", "w"],
            "commands": [
  • Bind { to w in operator pending mode makes y{ and d{ work like yw and dw respectively:
    "vim.operatorPendingModeKeyBindings": [
            "before": ["{"],
            "after": ["w"]
  • Bind L to $ and H to ^ in operator pending mode makes yL and dH work like y$ and d^ respectively:
    "vim.operatorPendingModeKeyBindings": [
            "before": ["L"],
            "after": ["$"]
            "before": ["H"],
            "after": ["^"]
  • Bind > and < in visual mode to indent/outdent lines (repeatable):
    "vim.visualModeKeyBindings": [
            "before": [
            "commands": [
            "before": [
            "commands": [
  • Bind <leader>vim to clone this repository to the selected location:
    "vim.visualModeKeyBindings": [
            "before": [
                "<leader>", "v", "i", "m"
            "commands": [
                    "command": "git.clone",
                    "args": [ "" ]


  • Non-recursive keybinding overrides to use for insert, normal, and visual modes
  • Example: Exchange the meaning of two keys like j to k and k to j to exchange the cursor up and down commands. Notice that if you attempted this binding normally, the j would be replaced with k and the k would be replaced with j, on and on forever. When this happens 'maxmapdepth' times (default 1000) the error message 'E223 Recursive Mapping' will be thrown. Stop this recursive expansion using the NonRecursive variation of the keybindings:
    "vim.normalModeKeyBindingsNonRecursive": [
            "before": ["j"],
            "after": ["k"]
            "before": ["k"],
            "after": ["j"]
  • Bind ( to 'i(' in operator pending mode makes 'y(' and 'c(' work like 'yi(' and 'ci(' respectively:
    "vim.operatorPendingModeKeyBindingsNonRecursive": [
            "before": ["("],
            "after": ["i("]
  • Bind p in visual mode to paste without overriding the current register:
    "vim.visualModeKeyBindingsNonRecursive": [
            "before": [
            "after": [

Debugging Remappings

  1. Adjust the extension's logging level to 'debug' and open
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