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Apple Silicon Mac机器学习性能测试工具

mac-ml-speed-test是一个专为Apple Silicon Mac设计的机器学习性能测试项目。通过简单脚本对比不同Mac设备上的机器学习模型速度,涵盖计算机视觉和自然语言处理等领域。项目使用PyTorch、TensorFlow等主流框架,并提供详细配置指南,便于用户进行性能评估。测试内容包括图像分类、文本分类和LLM文本生成等任务,使用CIFAR100、Food101和IMDB等数据集。此外,项目还包括与NVIDIA TITAN RTX和Google Colab免费版的性能对比,为用户提供更全面的参考数据。

Mac Machine Learning Speed Test

Blog post | Video walkthrough

A collection of simple scripts focused on benchmarking the speed of various machine learning models on Apple Silicon Macs (M1, M2, M3).

Scripts should also ideally work with CUDA (for benchmarking on other machines/Google Colab).

Note: Scripts are not designed to achieved state-of-the-art results (e.g. accuracy), they are designed to be as simple as possible to run out of the box. Most are examples straight from PyTorch/TensorFlow docs I've tweaked for specific focus on MPS (Metal Performance Shaders - Apple's GPU acceleration framework) devices + simple logging of timing. They are scrappy and likely not the best way to do things, but they are simple and easy to run.

Experiment Overview

The focus of these experiments is to get a quick benchmark across various ML problems and see how the Apple Silicon Macs perform.

The focus is on hardware comparison rather than framework to framework comparison and measuring speed rather than accuracy.

This repo contains code/results for the following experiments:

  1. PyTorch Computer Vision (CIFAR100 image classification)
  2. PyTorch Computer Vision (Food101 image classification)
  3. PyTorch Natural Langua2ge Processing (NLP text classification)
  4. TensorFlow Computer Vision (CIFAR100 image classication)
  5. TensorFlow Computer Vision (Food101 image classification)
  6. TensorFlow Natural Language Processing (NLP text classification)
  7. LlamaCPP LLM test (text generation)
  8. Geekbench ML (inference-only benchmarks)

While the focus is on Apple Silicon Macs, I've included my own deep learning PC (NVIDIA TITAN RTX) as well as a Google Colab free tier instance for comparison.

Getting Setup

If you have a brand new machine, you'll need to setup a few things before running the experiments.

The following steps will get you ready to go for all experiments (and many future machine learning experiments).

However, if you've already got conda, feel free to skip to the next section.

Base environment setup

  1. Install homebrew (or run xcode-select --install in terminal and skip to next step)

Go to and follow the main instructions on the front page.

Run the commands on the homebrew webpage in the terminal and follow the instructions when they appear.

  1. Install miniforge to get conda:
brew install miniforge


Download Miniforge3 for macOS ARM64 from:

  1. Run the following commands in terminal with Miniforge3 downloaded into the ~/Downloads folder:
chmod +x ~/Downloads/
sh ~/Downloads/
  1. Follow the steps, for example, answer "yes", "yes", "ok" etc and then initialize conda to see if it works.
source ~/miniforge3/bin/activate
  1. Important: Restart terminal and check conda is working.

If conda is working, you should have a (base) at the start of your terminal prompt.

For example: (base) daniel@Daniels-MacBook-Pro-3 ~ %

Setting up for machine learning tests

  1. Clone this repo.
git clone 
  1. Change into the repo directory.
cd mac-ml-speed-test
  1. Create conda environment.
conda create --prefix ./env python=3.10

Note: You could also use conda create --name some-env-name python=3.10 but I prefer --prefix as it's more explicit.

  1. Check conda environments.
conda env list
  1. Activate newly created conda environment.
conda activate ./env
  1. Install necessities/helper packages.

Note: This may have a few extra packages that aren't 100% needed for speed tests but help to have (e.g. JupyterLab, PrettyTable).

conda install -c conda-forge pip pandas numpy matplotlib scikit-learn jupyterlab langchain prettytable py-cpuinfo tqdm

Install and Test PyTorch/Hugging Face Transformers

conda install pytorch::pytorch torchvision -c pytorch

Note: MPS (Metal Performance Shaders, aka using the GPU on Apple Silicon) comes standard with PyTorch on macOS, you don't need to install anything extra. MPS can be accessed via torch.mps, see more notes in the PyTorch documentation.

Test PyTorch Computer Vision (CIFAR100)

Experiment details:

ModelDatasetImage SizeEpochsNum SamplesNum ClassesProblem Type
ResNet50CIFAR10032x32x3550,000 train, 10,000 test100Image Classification

Example usage of for 1 epoch and batch size of 32:

python --epochs=1 --batch_sizes="32"

Batch sizes can be a comma-separated list of batch sizes, e.g. "32, 64, 128, 256".

Default behaviour is to test for 5 epochs and batch sizes of "16, 32, 64, 128, 256, 512, 1024".

The following:


Is equivalent to:

python --epochs=5 --batch_sizes="16, 32, 64, 128, 256, 512, 1024"

Results will be saved to results/results_pytorch_cv/[file_name].csv where file_name is a combination of information from the experiment (see for details).

Test PyTorch Computer Vision (Food101)

Experiment details:

ModelDatasetImage SizeEpochsNum SamplesNum ClassesProblem Type
ResNet50Food101224x224x3575,750 train, 25,250 test101Image Classification

Note: Download Hugging Face Datasets to download Food101 dataset.

python -m pip install datasets

Example usage of for 1 epoch and batch size of 32:

python --epochs=1 --batch_sizes="32"

Batch sizes can be a comma-separated list of batch sizes, e.g. "32, 64, 128, 256".

Default behaviour is to test for 3 epochs and batch sizes of "32, 64, 128".

The following:


Is equivalent to:

python --epochs=3 --batch_sizes="32, 64, 128"

Results will be saved to results/results_pytorch_cv/[file_name].csv where file_name is a combination of information from the experiment (see for details).

Test PyTorch Natural Language Processing (NLP)

Experiment details:

ModelDatasetSequence SizeEpochsNum SamplesNum ClassesProblem Type
DistilBERT (fine-tune top 2 layers + top Transformer block)IMDB512525,000 train, 25,000 test2Text Classification

Note: The uses Hugging Face Transformers/Datasets/Evaluate/Accelerate to help with testing. If you get into ML, you'll likely come across these libraries, they are very useful for NLP and ML in general. The model loaded from Transformers uses PyTorch as a backend.

python -m pip install transformers datasets evaluate accelerate

Example usage of for 1 epoch and batch size of 32:

python --epochs=1 --batch_sizes="32"

Batch sizes can be a comma-separated list of batch sizes, e.g. "32, 64, 128, 256".

Default behaviour is to test for 3 epochs and batch sizes of "16, 32, 64, 128, 256, 512" (note: without 24GB+ of RAM, running batch sizes of 256+ will likely error, for example my M1 Pro with 18GB of VRAM can only run "16, 32, 64, 128" and fails on 256 with the model/data setup in

The following:


Is equivalent to:

python --epochs=3 --batch_sizes="16, 32, 64, 128, 256, 512"

Results will be saved to results/results_pytorch_nlp/[file_name].csv where file_name is a combination of information from the experiment (see for details).

Install and Test TensorFlow

For more on running TensorFlow on macOS, see Apple's developer guide.

Note: Install TensorFlow Datasets to access Food101 dataset with TensorFlow.

python -m pip install tensorflow
python -m pip install tensorflow-metal  
python -m pip install tensorflow_datasets

Note: TensorFlow can be run on macOS without using the GPU via pip install tensorflow, however, if you're using an Apple Silicon Mac, you'll want to use the Metal plugin for GPU acceleration (pip install tensorflow-metal).

After installing tensorflow-metal and running the scripts, you should see something like:

2023-12-06 12:22:02.016745: I tensorflow/core/grappler/optimizers/] Plugin optimizer for device_type GPU is enabled.

Test TensorFlow Computer Vision (CIFAR100)

Experiment details:

ModelDatasetImage SizeEpochsNum SamplesNum ClassesProblem Type
ResNet50CIFAR10032x32x3550,000 train, 10,000 test100Image Classification

Example usage of for 1 epoch and batch size of 32:

python --epochs=1 --batch_sizes="32"

Batch sizes can be a comma-separated list of batch sizes, e.g. "32, 64, 128, 256".

Default behaviour is to test for 5 epochs and batch sizes of "16, 32, 64, 128, 256, 512, 1024".

The following:


Is equivalent to:

python --epochs=5 --batch_sizes="16, 32, 64, 128, 256, 512, 1024"

Results will be saved to results/results_tensorflow_cv/[file_name].csv where file_name is a combination of information from the experiment (see for details).

Test TensorFlow Computer Vision (Food101)

Experiment details:

ModelDatasetImage SizeEpochsNum SamplesNum ClassesProblem Type
ResNet50Food101224x224x3575,750 train, 25,250 test101Image Classification

Example usage of for 1 epoch and batch size of 32:

python --epochs=1 --batch_sizes="32"

Batch sizes can be a comma-separated list of batch sizes, e.g. "32, 64, 128".

Default behaviour is to test for 3 epochs and batch sizes of "32, 64, 128".

The following:


Is equivalent to:

python --epochs=3 --batch_sizes="32, 64, 128"

Results will be saved to results/results_tensorflow_cv/[file_name].csv where file_name is a combination of information from the experiment (see for details).

Test TensorFlow Natural Language Processing (NLP)

Experiment details:

ModelDatasetSequence SizeEpochsNum SamplesNum ClassesProblem Type
SmallTransformer (custom)IMDB200525,000 train, 25,000 test2Text Classification

Example usage of for 1 epoch and batch size of 32:

python --epochs=1 --batch_sizes="32"

Batch sizes can be a comma-separated list of batch sizes, e.g. "32, 64, 128, 256".

Default behaviour is to test for 3 epochs and batch sizes of "16, 32, 64, 128".

The following:


Is equivalent to:

python --epochs=3 --batch_sizes="16, 32, 64, 128"

Results will be saved to results/results_tensorflow_nlp/[file_name].csv where file_name is a combination of information from the experiment (see for details).

Install and Test LlamaCPP (Llama 2 LLM test)

Experiment details:

ModelTaskNum QuestionsNum AnswersTotal Generations
Llama 2 7B .gguf formatText Generation20520*5 = 100
CMAKE_ARGS="-DLLAMA_METAL=on" FORCE_CMAKE=1 python -m pip install llama-cpp-python

After installing llama-cpp-python, you will need a .gguf format model from Hugging Face.

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